Can't get into good UC (GPA 3.78 and WGPA is 4.63)

Trying for Computer Eng / Computer Science at all UCs. All “impacted” major

Accepted at U C Riverside, and CSU Fullterton
Dinged at Ca Poly SLO
Dinged at UCLA,
Waitlisted at UCSD
Dinged at UCSB (Santa Barb)
Waiting to hear from UC Bekely (no hope)
Waiting to hear from UC Irvine

3.78 GPA and Weighted in 4.68

SAT 690 720 34 35 36.0 8 7 8
(total 1410)
Good essays, decent extra currricular.


  1. The only decent school left is U C Irivine (U C SB dinged)
  2. Waitlisted at UC Sand Diego (dream school)

What are my chances?

Really surprised and is UC system playing games to ignore state students and accept more uut of state.

Any thoughts?

What’s wrong with UCR? It’s a good school.

Agree that UCR has a very good Engineering/CS program. Just remember where you go for Undergrad will not define you, but it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful. I suggest you attend Highlander Days and see for yourself.

Best of luck.

UC Riverside is growing faster than ANY OTHER UC…there is a reason for that! A great school!

UCR has a number of students on this forum that didn’t get in.

You got into the major that you wanted. Most people didn’t.

There is a cap on non-residents AND the non-residents will be paying 3.5% more towards your instate facilities than you will. The Regents just voted on this two weeks ago.

Making excuses, for not getting in to your desired impacted major and campuses, won’t help you.

Check out UCR. It’s a good, strong school!

Fullerton is also a good, but crowded school; it may take a little while to get your classes.

You land where you are supposed to be.

thanks to all. Just got in at UC Irvine to the major I wanted. Relief!

congrats in Irvine!

thanks pal.

Congrats on getting the major you want and becoming an Anteater!

Got into UCI too! Congrats!