Can't make up my mind - KU, IU, or Santa Clara

<p>Hello fellow CCers, I am struggling to make the right decision. I'm about 80% sure I will be going into accounting, the other 20% lies in finance. I have been accepted into University of Kansas and Indiana University Bloomington(both directly admitted into their business school) and Santa Clara University. I need to keep in mind finances and I have read that as long as a school is accredited by the aacsb for accounting, it is most likely the same. This is not true for finance however.</p>

<p>Here is my dilemma, my parent's EFC is 50,000 but I still do not want to drain their wallet. KU will be about 70-80,000, IUB will be 180,000, and Santa Clara will be 200,000. One reason Santa Clara attracts to me is it is decently strong(#35) in business and it is on the west coast, somewhere I consider living in the future. And IUB attracts to me is their really strong placement and high ranking. But are these schools worth 180-200k even if I will be debt free? Indiana is a public school, that is a lot for a public education(big class sizes, not a lot of attention). Santa Clara reaps the benefits of a private school for the normal private tuition.</p>

<p>I am really looking for some input, and as many of you know, May 1st is the deadline! Thanks.</p>

<p>Santa Clara is NOT worth 200K - it is a middling Liberal Arts College by California standards - not even CLOSE to a Claremont school. IU would be better - that said IU is NOT workth and extra 100K in debt - so go to KU and enjoy.</p>

<p>I appreciate your opinion. I am still looking for some inputs please.</p>

<p>If your parents are ready, willing, and able to pay the bill at Santa Clara, it is perfectly OK to go there. Likewise with IU if you truly prefer it over the other options. Some parents really are able to do that sort of thing for their children.</p>

<p>If they aren’t, then you need to sit down with them and find out how much they really are able to pay. Run the numbers here and talk them over with your parents: [FinAid</a> | Calculators | Award Letter Comparison Tool](<a href=“Your Guide for College Financial Aid - Finaid”>Award Letter Requirements - Finaid) Truly, there isn’t a bad one in this bunch. If you decide to save your money and attend KU there is nothing wrong with that either.</p>

<p>Santa Clara is a excellent university and has an amazing business school. If you want to go to one of the Top Business School on the West the top 3 schools are USC Marshall, Berkeley Haas, and Santa Clara Leavey. So congrats on Santa Clara. Also I’ve heard almost every Santa Clara student in Accounting , and Finance is employed at or before Graduation. It has an excellent Reputation in the Business world and one of the best on the west. If you can afford to pay the bill it is well worth it, as it sounds like it is the best fit for you based on what you said. Especially since your wanting to live on the west coast and Santa Clara by far is going to give you the best career aspects.</p>

<p>My parents are willing and even though they are, I understand that it is a big difference in money. I know KU is the weakest of the schools but would it really impair me in the future?</p>

<p>Try contacting each school’s career center and asking what companies recruit business majors, and what placement and pay rates at graduation are. Some schools’ career centers do have major and school specific career surveys and employer recruiting lists on their web sites, though most do not.</p>

<p>KU won’t impair you any more than Santa Clara - If you are going to blow that kind of money invest it going to IU it’s the best school on your list.</p>

<p>I can agree that I don’t think Santa Clara is worth the money. So I’m down to KU and IU now.</p>

<p>I went a B10 school (UIUC), live very close to Santa Clara (and have been there many times) and visited KU and IU with my D a couple of years ago (and know many people that attended each of your choices). </p>

<p>They are are all great schools. Regarding your 2 final choices, tough call…I think there is a significant jump in terms of reputation favoring the IU accounting program over KU, and I did like the IU campus and vibe more that KU, but that is a personal thing. That said, I think KU’s academic reality is better than what is reflected in the rankings, and Lawrence is a great college town - I know a handful of students that went to school there and they all loved it. </p>

<p>In general, I don’t think you can make a bad decision, but if it were me and the extra $100K were not a big hardship, I think I’d go with IU. Otherwise, I’d go to KU and feel great about the decision. </p>

<p>Good luck…and please let us know what you decide!</p>

<p>iu has the best business of the three</p>

<p>If all three have good academic programs in your field and if paying the EFC is not a problem with your parents, I would go to the school where you like to live. California companies are more likely to recruit and offer internships at Santa Clara, at least for undergrads and it also has a very strong alumni network in the Bay Area.
For undergrad, I would not spend the extra $100K for IU because their national reputation is mostly with their MBA program.</p>

<p>Of course, discuss the finances with your parents.</p>

<p>None of these choices will impair you. It is thoughtful and mature of you to consider your parents’ finances, so I would recommend you let them know what your gut and heart are telling you. If they are willing to pay for Santa Clara University and that’s where you want to go, terrific. Same thing for both of the other schools. </p>

<p>It so happens that I work closely with graduates of all these schools (not in business but in PR, marketing and fund-raising) and they are all highly successful professionals whose skills and personal qualities are impressive.</p>

<p>Tomorrow is decision day… still cannot make up my mind. Does one go with their gut feeling or their brain?</p>

<p>What do you usually go with?</p>

<p>Rock Chalk Jayhawk!</p>

<p>KU and money left over for a car, year abroad, part of your grad school costs, move-to-new-city-to-job-hunt costs, a new boat for your dad, or whatever else you and your family can buy with 100k.</p>

<p>I usually go with my brain. I know IU will set me up with better opportunities and is a better school. I like KU because of the proximity to my hometown and the school is about half the price.</p>

<p>I think you need a fifth year to site for the CPA exam. If you are still interested in accounting four years from now, you could go to KU for undergrad and attend the Master of Accounting program at IU. You would save the tuition money, be close to your hometown and take advantage of IU opportunities.</p>

<p>[Master</a> of Science in Accounting: Graduate Accounting Programs : Kelley School of Business: Indiana University](<a href=“]Master”></p>

<p>So, Welson, does your brain tell you that IU is $100K better than KU? You mentioned the good placement of IU grads; do you know that KU has bad placement? I have absolutely nothing against Indiana University but that price differential is enormous, and there is little reason to believe you will get an extra $100K worth of education out of IU.</p>