Can't Start the essay

<p>how did you start the essay? i have the topic and all that already but i just start for some reason. all tips/gimmicks welcome! Help me!</p>

<p>I had the same problem. You just need to start writing. Don’t worry about having an attention-grabber, don’t worry about spelling/grammar, don’t worry about how awkward it may sound - just write out your thoughts. The editing will come next. Your first draft should be really really crappy. The best way to do this is to open up a text-editor, turn off your computer screen, and start writing for 10-20 minutes straight. You can also use applications that keep you writing: write or die dot com works well for me (I am not promoting this site. Don’t waste money on buying the application - just use the free web app). WrittenKitten is another good site.</p>