<p>Just curious whether anyone else attending Capstone Scholars Day next weekend has received confirmation, check-in assignment or anything like that. I’m sure we RSVPed (and have plane/hotel reservations), but hadn’t seen anything.</p>
<p>You should be getting an email soon.</p>
<p>The PDF agenda can be found here…</p>
<p>[Capstone</a> Scholars Day - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://scholarships.ua.edu/csd/agenda.html]Capstone”>http://scholarships.ua.edu/csd/agenda.html)</p>
<p>Event Itinerary
7:30 – 8:30 Event Check-In*
Presentation by Honors College Breakout Sessions – You Choose!
Housing or Parent Panel or Student Panel or
Study Abroad Campus Safety Greek Affairs
College Experience Visit
Optional Campus Tours or Residence Hall Tours
<em>You will receive your check-in location via email prior to the event
*</em>Parents will eat lunch at the Bryant Conference Center and students will eat at Bryant Denny Stadium</p>
<p>Seems like last year we went through the same thing…no one had heard until a day or two before the event.</p>
<p>We went last year and there was a parent session from the head of the Student Health Center that was very informative. Look for that if it is offered. He gave information not readily available on the website.</p>
<p>D and I will be on campus next weekend for a different event. I’m hoping to attend a parent panel if time allows.</p>
<p>I am also attending next weekend for the Capstone Scholars day. I RSVP’d in December and never received any other info so I called the number listed on the Capstone Scholars page and was told that you should have received an email about where to go. After giving them my name they sent me an email with the details about check-in etc. So I would just call them for confirmation. :)</p>
<p>All’s good. Got our email on Thursday. Looking forward to seeing the campus I’ve heard so much about.</p>
<p>It is somewhat disappointing to hear that UA continues to get back to people so late. I remember coming from far away for our first visit, and having paid a lot of money to do so, and feeling a bit uneasy about the looseness with which the itinerary was handled. Rest assured, tho, all of you, that UA does take care of things for you in the end! Enjoy your visits! You will be well looked after.</p>
<p>We also got the email. Then on Saturday, D received a postcard telling her to check her Crimson email
I think they have learned that the new students aren’t in the habit of checking that email.</p>
<p>I, too, wonder why it takes so long to finalize the itinerary. It’s odd because they put the “temporary itinerary” on the website and I doubt it gets tweaked much. </p>
<p>when you were worried, had you seen the temporary one? If so, did that make you less uneasy?</p>
<p>I guess they’re just afraid of putting out a finalized schedule too early and then have to change it. </p>
<p>However, a week before the event really isn’t that late for a finalized schedule.</p>
<p>I wasn’t so worried about the itinerary. I had downloaded the Guidebook app and was comfortable with that piece. I just started second guessing myself on whether the RSVP had been received. There wasn’t any “you’re on the list…we’ll get back to you a week before the event with check-in info”… I could have called, but figured it was better to see how the system worked.</p>
<p>^Exactly, VAmom. That’s what happened with my D. Fortunately, it was a quick fix with a phone call to the Scholarship office. Unlike a few years back when our oldest attended, there are multiple check in locations this year depending upon the student’s intended major. I would suggest that a student/parent call if they have not received an email at this point.</p>
<p>For those students that are gamers, the ABXY Club is hosting a Game Night this Friday and any perspective students are invited. It starts at 6pm and is held in the Riverside Community Center.</p>
<p>Thanks. I’ll let my DS know. I think he was planning to go to Crimson Castle to play Magic - but we’ll see what he feels like on Friday.</p>