<p>Does anyone know/heard of how much space is still in the CARE program for FSU? I was deferred back in September due to test scores so I had to send in mid-year grades, and recent test scores (Dec. ACT) for admission. I'm so nervous since because I REALLY want to attend FSU =)</p>
<p>They accepted (360) students. The cutoff date to apply I believe is Jan 21st, but they have the right to close class early. Please contact them ASAP to see if there is still any space. There is also some guidlelines for acceptance. Be sure to ask them what they are before doing the application. From what I understand they are real, real close to a full class, if not already. Don’t waste time CALL THEM and see if you qualify.</p>
<p>Good Luck.</p>
<p>Yes, I’ve already sent in my application back in september to both FSU and CARE. I’m just scared that I might lose a chance of getting in since I’ve missed the ACT score by one point 18 they want a 19.</p>
<p>Update: I just called CARE today it turns out my FSU re-calculated GPA is a 2.9 so they want me to get a 20 on my ACT or a 1390 on the SAT. Wish me good luck everyone and pray for me lol I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to attend FSU!!</p>
<p>gjoseph, if it does not work out this time consider enrolling at TCC and transferring once you have your AA.</p>
<p>I believe a 20 or a 1390 total is definitely possible. Take advantage of this winter break to prepare for that exam and make sure you know what you’re supposed to know for the SAT/ACT.</p>
<p>To gjospeh: You can do it…I know you can…even if you do not get 20 ACT (If You Get 19)…don’t dispair…just show them that you will not let them down if selected. I will say a prayer for you…you will do it! You will not fail, you will be a Seminole. Study, study, study.</p>
<p>Thank You uncleboog, larryw09, and parent2noles I really do appreciate your advice and support. I’m going to sign up for the next SAT just incase I didn’t make a 20 on this last ACT. I’m going to study hard for SAT’s lol!!</p>
<p>Take Care everyone and Happy Holidays!!</p>
<p>how do I do this program that lets me in with a 20 on the ACT?</p>
<p>gjoseph, I’ll be retaking the Jan. SAT too for Bright Futures purposes… I wish you luck!</p>
<p>Hey everyone I was able to make a 19 on my ACT (according to University of Alabama) official ACT scores are up. On FSU CARE the minimum requirement is a 19 but I contacted CARE and one of the representatives told me my re-calculated FSU GPA and what I should aim for and she said a 20. Does that mean I still don’t qualify for CARE even though the minimum is a 19. I’m happy that I’m getting closer to bright futures but it always seems like when I take one step forward some obstacle brings me one step back.</p>
<p>I hate how they use GPA to judge. There are too many differences between schools for GPA to be a standard for requirements. All it can really tell you is whether or not a student did what he was required to do in his courses or not. Doesn’t really say how hard one student worked compared to a student from another school.</p>
<p>I’d still take the SAT and try to get more cushion between yourself and the minimum score.</p>
<p>Yeah I’m signing up for the next SAT for January since they obviously want me to score higher plus it would be nice to have FL Bright Futures since I already have FL Pre-Paid =)</p>
<p>What are the requirements for CARE? Is it only for students who are economically disadvantaged or is it also for students with learning disabilities? It seems like a great program that gives extra support for students to succeed in college.</p>
<p>I understand the main purpose “It’s mission” is to help those that are economically disadvantaged or those who have had to face circumstances (divorce, etc.) . I found out about CARE through a family friend who’s son was accepted and loves it. Even-though I’m not economically disadvantaged (I’m Middle-Class) I’ve had to overcome many obstacles throughout my high school career due to race and personal issues. From what I’ve heard it helps FSU with more diversity since they’ve become more selective. So definitely give it a try but I would call the CARE office after Jan 7th once they return since they’re gone for the holidays =)</p>
<p>They should allow those with learning disabilities I’m sure such as ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, etc.</p>
<p>Hey gjoseph I’ve recently applied to FSU in november and was deferred myself. I have a 3.9 weighted GPA, I did activities in high school such as cheerleading and I’m a member of the national honor society at my school. But the reason why I think fsu didnt take me is because of my test scores, 20 ACT 970 SAT. Like you I really have a passion to hopefully attend FSU one day, and when I was deferred in december I was very disappointed and upset. I’ve as well just applied to CARE and I’m hoping that after they see what I’ve accomplised in high school they’ll let me in the summer bridge program. If not I’ll be attending FAMU in the fall. But good luck with everything and continue being positive. Hopefully this summer we’ll both be at FSU. =)</p>
<p>This would be awesome if both of us are accepted brittbratt911 =) I would have applied to FAMU then transfer to FSU but my mom wasn’t going to allow it. The only HBCU I really could have applied to was Morehouse, anyways if I don’t get into FSU, I’m just going to keep my head up and attend UNF (University of North Florida) in Jacksonville or UCF, USF, Alabama if I’m accepted to one of these schools.</p>
<p>Just wondering, don’t anyone know what to expect from the Care program?</p>
<p>I have so any questions about the care program at Florida state university idlove to get ad much information as possible. Like what it covers? For how long? Is it only the summer semester? If so, do they help you figure out howto pay for the next four years? I would appreciate any info you can give me. Also any experieces with the program. Thank you</p>
Did you end up at FSU?!?!?!