Caroline Bradley Scholarship 2023

Anyone apply to CDB scholarship this year? Seems like results won’t be notified until mid June but sometimes finalists may got calls earlier. Anyone got good news?

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yes, my S did. not yet but waiting anxiously.

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still no news. shud be out before June 15. pls keep us posted.

Just got an email that my S did not make it. He is disappointed.

Good luck to those who made it!!!

Has anyone else received an email from them yet? I haven’t heard anything

Just received an email to call. I hope it is good news. Any past scholars here that can give me some advice before the call?

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Anyone else received an email from them ? I haven’t heard anything

Haven’t heard anything either way yet.

Hi! I also received an email inviting me to call-- turns out it was to tell me I’m a finalist! Iax00 it seems like you’re also a finalist- congratulations! (An invite to call is almost always a good thing-- methinks you’re also supposed to call if you win the scholarship).
Any advice for the interviews?


Anyone else is still waiting? Haven’t heard anything either way yet.

My son is going to interview next week. Anyone know how they conduct interview?

Did anyone get an email?

Do they email you saying you get the scholarship or an email to call?

just got the email that i didn’t get it </3