Carroll School of Management. Honors vs. Cornell AEM?

<p>I was just accepted into CSOM Honors program but received no financial aid. I also got into Cornell’'s business program (AEM) which, for a NYS resident, is 33k (versus the 50k for BC). </p>

<p>Any opinions on which is the better value? Is BC worth the extra 17k a year?</p>

<p>Hey i am right there with you. I got accepted into BC CSOM Honors as well as NYU Stern, Carnegie Mellon Tepper, Georgetown McDonough and Hopefully Cornell AEM and i am clueless where to go. I know as for opportunities i hear kids at BC have great opportunities for internships as well as jobs. And i also know it is beneficial being in the honors program because its only 30 kids. But supposedly Cornell AEM has been getting much better lately. I just dont know about internship and job placement. Haha Any advice for me.</p>

<p>I am in a similar situation as well</p>

<p>I got into BC, Lehigh, Villanova, and Penn State's business schools</p>

<p>I have no idea where to go</p>

<p>haha Decisions Suck. My friend suggested that we write the names of our schools on a dartboard and throw a dart at it and see where we end up.</p>

<p>I have the same dilemma, and I really don't know how I'm going to make up my mind. I got into the business schools at BC, Villanova, and Lehigh, and I really do love all three. At this point, I'm just hoping for some sort of divine sign to help me make up my mind.</p>

<p>Of BC, Villanova, and Lehigh - Who has the strongest Finance Dept.?</p>

<p>I think if you have the time and the money, visit all three schools. Don't base your decisions off our opinions.</p>

<p>Honestly, you guys got into great business schools. Although I would love for everyone to attend BC, I think it's wiser to go to where you will get the best FA. When you are trying to find a job four years from now, a degree from Penn-State or Cornell won't bring you anymore or any less money than a BC degree.</p>

<p>From observed experience, to work on Wall St., Cornell is a no brainer.<br>
Plus it's 17-20 grand cheaper. Is comes down to whether you think Boston is worth the extra costs.</p>

<p>i may be making the same decision, i find out from cornell tomorrow. for me, when i visited cornell, i really wasn't a big fan. I know that if i go to BC i will have the time of my life (it's been my number one school for awhile...). when i visited cornell, the people just had this "snobby" (for lack of a better word) attitude. they knew theyd have about 50,000 people apply, and didn't really seem to care about prospective students. it really turned me off of them. plus the atmosphere seems ridiculously over stressful. while the $33,000 tuition certainly is tempting, im thinking im probably going to go to BC. part of me wants to get rejected from cornell so i dont have to make the decision.</p>

<p>I've gotten in to PSU Honors, BC Honors, and NYU (all for business) and I am a bit clueless about where to go, though I am leaning towards PSU Honors because it's so much cheaper.</p>

<p>wow, lilwaynefan. i was in the same exact situation as you last year. accepted to BC, nova, lehigh, penn state and delaware business schools. my final decision came between BC and nova, and delaware too because of a $16,000/year scholarship. </p>

<p>then i finally choose BC because of how i felt when i visited the campus and i wanted to get farther away from jersey (even though i love it) and too many people from my HS go to nova and delaware, and i didnt even apply to delaware honors. im so happy with the decision i made.. the delaware party scene is a little TOO intense for me and i like that BC didnt have the confines of frats and soroities. even though now i wish we DID have them after visiting maryland and having a blast</p>

<p>visit them if you have the time, but obviously my opinion would be BC. its a bit more diverse than either other school (not much though) and is really close to boston and 103892 other colleges. plus football!</p>

<p>iamrobk, i would go to PSU honors. they say that PSU honors admissions is as competitive as ivies and the business program alone without honors is great. plus the cheapness puts it over the edge when compared to BC and NYU. ive never heard of anyone who went to PSU and didnt love their four years there.</p>

<p>Yeah, I am really leaning towards PSU Honors just because of how cheap it is, and the great social scene. The cheap cost will make it so much easier to go to a top grad school. But of course I am still going to visit BC and NYU.</p>

<p>Hey what'd you end up picking? I'm choosing between AEM and Stern
No way to do BC- honors program doesn't mean much</p>

<p>^^ I would HIGHLY dispute that post. BC Honors means a lot in terms of the CONNECTIONS that you get. For example, as a sophomore, I was applying for an I-Banking internship with Citi, and because of the Honors resources I knew a recent CSOM Honors grad at Citi in I banking. He took my resume personally to the HR people, and I ended up doing a final interview (50 selected of 1000+that apply)...and I feel like the honors link helped out.</p>

<p>But yeah, where did everyone end up going?</p>

<p>It's Cornell for me! I went and visited Cornell again- on a day when they had AEM day. I realized that the business school at Cornell is relatively small (about 800 kids), so I could get the small school fee (within a larger university) that I was looking for. Plus, the business students I met with told me about their interships and they all sounded appealing.
And, when we called the Financial Aid office at BC to ask about aid (I didn't get any), they basically said "we get plenty of top students without giving any with it"
So, I'll be (happily) going to Cornell and ending up with about 70k less debt than I would have had I gone to BC. It was a no-brainer.</p>

<p>Gotta love BC and that BC attitude!!</p>

<p>im a little late, but Cornell, hands down</p>

<p>Milz326 - can u post ur stats please? lol. i’m lookin at those schools that u got into as well…i’d really appreciate it if u do! =)</p>

<p>sry to bring up an old post…even tho it’s still on the first page</p>