CAS Language Requirement

<p>Just got in ED... but I have a question regarding the language requirement at the College.</p>

<p>The website says I can be exempt from a language if I either get a 4 or 5 on the AP or a 650+ on the SAT II.</p>

<p>Can I take my SATII Spanish at some point during this year to count toward this requirement, even though I did not submit it at the time of application? If so, does it need to be with Listening?</p>

<p>Any help would be appreciated! :)</p>

<p>I know for certain that the listening version of the test is not required. I am not sure about whether or not you can take it after the application filing period, but if I were the admissions office I would see no reason why you couldn’t. I would call and find out and get an answer from someone who works there, since this is a pretty technical question.</p>

<p>I signed up for January hoping I would be accepted and I need a miracle</p>