CAS Presidential Honors Scholars Program

<p>On my letter it says that I get a scholarship too! I haven't received any large envelope from NYU yet, so I'm still waiting to see.</p>

<p>However, does anyone know anything about this program, such as how selective it is and what benefits it has (other than the scholarship)?</p>


<p>I believe it's like top 5% or 10% of the class. You have to do some things that are kind of annoying, but honestly, the best part of the program is getting to go on very expensive, mostly free trips! (You only pay about $300, plus some meals.) You stay in 3-4 star hotels, are driven around in nice tourbuses, enjoy museum trips arranged and paid for you in advance, and fly on good airlines. Seriously, it's totally worth it.</p>

<p>Have all those invitations been sent out already? I was really hoping to be included in that program, and my stats at least give me a fighting chance.</p>

<p>thanks! im a little confused though.. what are the annoying things, and what are the trips for/where do you go?</p>

<p>i got into it too... i'd like to know more!</p>

<p>there are a lot of "oh by the ways"</p>

<p>Your trips occur during your first and second years. First year was at the end of Christmas Break and we went to Florence, Italy. Got to check out NYU's estate over there, went to see "David" and other famous works of art, ate great food, etc. :D Second year there will be a number of trips to different places - all occur over Spring Break, and you decide which you'd like to go on. I went to Madrid, but other people went to Ireland, London, Berlin, and Paris. The trips are Europe-centric, so I hope they start including Asian sites.</p>

<p>As for more about the program requirements, every semester they hold a series of lectures. As a freshman, you must attend three - I think you need attend one less as a sophomore - but they don't take attendance. Attending lectures can be a pain if you have 5 PM classes, but you can go to other non-Scholars lectures. You're expected to write a one-page, single-spaced reaction paper to each lecture. In addition, you need to attend meetings every other week, which can be really slow and boring, and do 15 hours of community service, which you'll also write a one-page, single-spaced reaction paper for. This being said, I think they'll let slip-ups slide - spring semester of my sophomore year, I didn't write enough reactions and I turned them in late. (It was a bad semester for me.) I was pretty sure I was gonna get the boot, but no one ever said anything to me.</p>

<p>You also need to maintain a 3.7 GPA, which can be challenging. When people get kicked out, it's because they dropped below 3.7. Again, second semester of sophomore year, my GPA went down to 3.692, and I got worried, but I was told that .008 wasn't a problem - now, if it had been 3.5, I don't know.</p>

<p>I wouldn't say there are "oh by the ways" - they're pretty upfront with you about what you need to do. It can just be a pain in the butt when you have fifty bazillion other things to do.</p>

<p>It's worth it for the trips - I promise. :D</p>

<p>Ditto -- maybe haven't arrived for OOS???</p>

<p>I got into the Presidential Honors Program, but in my packet got a scholarship for the Baird Scholars Program (Which is basically national merit). Without meaning to be greedy...should I expect more money?</p>

<p>so CAS Prez is different than CAS merit?
Also if you got CAS merit, do you still get to go to florence etc.?</p>

<p>Also, I got my honors thing in june or something so it may take some time.</p>

<p>y17k: are you saying you were notified after getting your basic acceptance into nyu? I got a decent chunk of CAS merit money $10k, but no other invite...............................maybe i still have a chance if a few others opt out?</p>


y17k: are you saying you were notified after getting your basic acceptance into nyu? I got a decent chunk of CAS merit money $10k, but no other invite...............................maybe i still have a chance if a few others opt out?


<p>Yep, it might have something to do with the fact that I am an international student though.</p>

<p>wait, i got a $25 k CAS scholarship but saw nothing about a presidential honors scholarship. do people in the presidential honors program all get scholarships? or is it possible that im eligible for the program and just not the money?</p>

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<p>I just received my acceptance letter into the presidential honors program today! It was a little surprising, as I had been told specifically that if it were coming, I would have received it a long time ago, but I imagine that might be just to discourage parents from calling and bugging them about it. I also received a $10k CAS scholarship, which I was notified of with my acceptance to the school in April.</p>

<p>yea same here. Got it today and received $10K CAS Scholarship back in April.</p>