Case Western Reserve Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Pretty amazing some of the kids that got waitlisted. Any chance CWR is doing that to boost its yield by not giving straight-up acceptances to kids it thinks aren’t going to accept?


Seriously crazy. 3 waitlists so far. Accepted to Bucknell, WPI, Wisconsin-Madison, UMass Amherst and Pitt. Still waiting on some super reaches. Rejected at Swarthmore and Purdue.

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Daughter was EA Deferred, now Waitlisted.

Intended Major: Neuroscience and Astronomy
Unweighted GPA: 3.95
SAT: 1560
10 APs, 4 DE
Leadership in robotics, science olympiad, language club, other volunteering

Congrats to all who were admitted and good luck to everyone on the waitlist!


My son was deferred in EA and accepted yesterday with a $31.5k/year scholarship.

Mechanical Engineering
4.0uw and 35 ACT
IB diploma student


Congrats, not sure what the hold up was in the first place!

Son was deferred first round, accepted yesterday (plans CS) with $35K/year.
4.0UW, 36 ACT


Son did not get admitted. Regular Decision
GPA UW 4.0 (AS and A level Cambridge GCE syllabus)
SAT Optional
Good ECs and in my opinion good essays as well.
Applied Major: Biology
Got admits from Penn State, Baylor and UC Davis.


DD22 deferred EA , waitlisted RD . 1540 SAT, GPA 4.5 weighted , 4.0 UW. 8 APs mostly STEMS . calc. AB/BC, Stats , chem , bio , world history , English language / lit . All APs that was tested last year 4/5. Published medical related research , addiction clinic internship with Great LOR,
president NHS at schools , drama :performing_arts: at school 4 years , volunteer at nursing home , multiple clubs , Harvard book club recipient . Major biology .
She is moving on with some good options . Umass Honors with merit , UVM honors with merit , McGill with merit , U Toronto. Also differed EA at NEU , waitlisted there also . Good luck to
All who got accepted


Waitlisted. OOS

Accepted in 9 universities, including UCLA, so son is going to decline the waitlist spot.


DS Waitlisted RD. Did you get another email to indicate you accept to be on the waitlist? I think someone said 4/1 is the deadline but thought Case said they will send out an email on 4/9 whether you accept to be on the list. I am a bit confused.

Deferred EA → Waitlisted RD

NY, neuroscience, Asian male,
1540/35, 14 AP + 1 college classes, 97UW/104W
sublime EC’s (volunteering at nursing homes, lab internship, PT job, competitive clubs, student gov, etc.) decent awards (AIME, NMSF, NHS, smaller STEM awards)
good commonapp essay, and (I assume) decent to solid LOR’s. I also submitted the application update form with some new EC’s and a solid “Why Case” essay

I was expecting to be yield protected anyways, and I’ve already gotten into a lot of better options (Pitt, Stony Brook, Fordham, URochester), so I’m not bitter.


DD is in state and was deferred EA and now waitlisted. She’s also waitlisted at UVA. Still waiting on W&M.


Anyone know when to say “yes” that you are in for waitlisted? Portal indicates they will let us know on 4/9? Is that true? Didn’t want to miss the opportunity

I would think you can do that right now.

Son, Canadian, URM, Accepted.

Intended Major: Chemical Biology
Unweighted GPA: 93/100
SAT: Did not take
4 APs,
Awards: University of Waterloo Maths Contest, University of Toronto BluePrint Program for Science and Engineering students.
Leadership in volunteering club, Sports Canadian Football, Basket Ball, President School Cultural Awareness Club


I guess the weather is comparable but are there any specific reasons your son would choose CWRU over UofT or UWaterloo?

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Son has not decided anything yet. Still waiting for more offers.

Case sent out a wait-list email today. It wants weekly Friday check-ins for those on its wait list, like they’re our parole officer or something.


It gets better. In 2018, after several weeks of confirming the waitlist, they get to the point where they send mock financial aid packages to see if you would accept if offered admission with that aid package! But of course kid is still on waitlist! Most heart wrenching process we have ever gone through. Eventually, no offers off of the waitlist that year. Only offer to D18 was admission for the following fall. She said no thanks.

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That’s a bad bait. May be thats their intent.