Case Western Reserve Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Wow. That’s running a waitlist like an overbooked airline flight.

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I really think when accepting students off of their waitlist, they want it to be a 100% sure thing (yield), so they go to extremes to make sure that is the case (no pun intended).


It doesn’t bother me for some reason. I feel like probably it’s just as possible the folks on waitlist have accepted another offer at that point and they just want to know who is truly still interested. If you aren’t responding to requests for info about your status you probably aren’t dying to go there


Exactly…if they offer 50 slots off the WL and then get 50 acceptances that is 100% yield for those people.

That’s crazy! After deferred EA to RD, I have to say that I was annoyed by all the email marketing they sent to my daughter. Not fair to play with kids’ emotions, particularly those who applied EA and had to wait 3 more months for an answer. I am a marketer so I get trying to keep your list engaged, but getting those emails was like rubbing salt in the wound of kids who really just wanted to get the decision over with by that point. Mildly amused to watch this weekly email check in, but only because my daughter has decided to commit another school. The emotional cliffhanger is over now, thank goodness.


That good! Kid #2 also interested in being an engineer and graduates HS in 2024.

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Decision: S22 Accepted (after being Waitlisted)
Location: OOS
SAT/GPA: 1460 / 3.6, 8 APs
Good ECs and Recommendations


Are they already pulling from the waitlist? My DD22 was also waitlisted after applying EA.

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Ooops, sorry. I think my son was “deferred” from EA and then Accepted.

Son was waitlisted at Case as a bio major. 1500 SAT, 95.5 average, IB diploma, solid ECs. Accepted today to CMU Mellon College of Science. Not what we expected but wanted to share. He had considered Case as a backup to CMU. I guess things are changing before our eyes…


Does anyone know if merit scholarships have already been awarded? Any chance of folks on this waiting list to get any merit aid at all? If anyone has any information, please do share.

From CWRU do you mean the scholarships that people apply for or the ones the school hands out without an extra app. The ones the school does automatically comes with the admissions decision. The speciality ones I read some were out. I don’t know about all.

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Thanks! I was curious about both! So presumably very unlikely for folks on the waiting list to get any merit aid.

If offered admissions from the WL students can get merit aid. It would come with the decision letter. CWRU is very upfront about that. We even heard it on our tour.


Good to know. Thanks for the info!

Would you mind telling me where you saw that some of the named scholarships were out? Thanks!

I saw on A Reddit thread that someone had called and asked about it and was told whichever one they were up for those that received had been notified. Someone else posted about a different one about a week ago that they had called about and it wasn’t out. My daughter didn’t apply for them. She got merit on her ED admission that surprised us and was up for a theatre one but guessing that was a no since wasn’t told she got it and there were only two for majors and two for non majors. We haven’t called to see if those were released but should have been.

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Thank you! I did see the one student on Reddit mention calling and being told they hadn’t done interviews yet. So, I was hopeful they were running behind with all of them.