Case Western Reserve Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Just have to say I feel like the salt is being rubbed even more now. Got an email today saying how many great opportunities my son would have at CWR. He knows that which is why he applied! Visited his sophomore year just before pandemic. Attended several web sessions. We clicked every email (and before the EA deferral were actually reading them). After sting of the deferral wore off, he sent a great LOCI where he talked about driving from NY to visit and how much he loved what he saw. Then came the hard sell emails about switching to ED2 which we didn’t feel comfortable with. What more do they want him to do to show interest? He keeps thinking why aren’t they interested in me enough to accept me? Stats for reference only. The process here is very disconcerting. Congratulations to those accepted, but the marketing push is tough IMO for those who don’t get the nod.

Biology major
1500 SAT
4.0 (UW)
7 APs
All honors classes in all subjects offered
Class rank 1 of 180
Strong ECs and community service


My daughter was waitlisted elsewhere and those schools have not kept up the marketing push that Case has done. I agree that continuing to send emails about the benefits of the school to kids who have demonstrated so much interest shows that Case is treating these kids like a marketing lead without regard for their well being. Some kids will be able to shrug it off, but others can’t after an emotional college application cycle. Unfortunately kids who would still consider a waitlist spot have to read every one of those emails.

We were 100% behind Case as a first choice, and like your son, went way over the top to demonstrate interest, short of caving to the ED2 hard sell because we didn’t think it was financially responsible to commit to a school without knowing the final cost. My daughter has similar stats to your son. It is a tough “adulting” experience to learn that sometimes you can do all the hard work and still not get the outcome you were working towards. What makes that harder to accept is when the carrot continues to be dangled. Fortunately for us, my daughter has decided to commit to Northeastern (with merit) and is thrilled about her decision. I hope your son has another option that allows him to move on emotionally from Case.


Accepted, CS
UW 4.0 / 12+ APs / senior year 5 APs
SAT 1550/ACT 35
Varsity Sport Captain
Solid leadership/very good ECs+CS related ECs/Volunteering etc
Withdrawn/declined the offer this week.


I was waitlisted and applied for financial aid despite being from a relatively high income family. If I email the financial aid office to let them know my family will be able cover full cost of tuition will it increase my chances of being taken off of the waitlist? I will send a LOCI later in the month as well.

CWRU is need aware
so maybe?
CWRU transition to need-aware admissions approved – The Observer.

You will still be eligible for merit aid though if you are admitted off the waitlist

CWRU just sent out a “here’s what we would offer you for financial aid/scholarship IF we decide to offer you a spot off the waitlist” email. I guess you will get a read from that email whether they think you need financial aid. If it indicates zero financial aid, then I would assume that they are not holding back an acceptance based on financial need.


We got that email as well , I am
Not sure what they mean

Basically if someone gets off a WL they have a very short turn around to figure out if they will take the offer. CWRU is giving you a heads up about the cost to see if it will even be feasible.


Thank you

are merit scholarships and admission separate? why would they give me 25k per year and then waitlist me? so weird


They are telling you if there is a spot for you that you will receive that merit. The merit comes when you are admitted and all decisions including WL are treated the same.

We were offered the same 25K merit, but their Tuition is 62K (costliest I have seen so far)


Yes. They did a very large increase this year. UMiami also did a large increase after having held tuition for Covid. I am not sure but I think CWRU had also held theirs.

Just came here to check on that. We got the same. I wonder if everyone got that or if everyone did are they weeding out people that don’t respond.

My child is already admitted ED but my understanding is it’s simply part of the weekly check ins they do. As a school that cares if you are reading the info they send it.

My perspective is that this tactic is their way of trying to keep their prospective student list hot. They want to fill their class 100% so they probably throw out financial aid/scholarship numbers to get kids to remain interested in getting off the waitlist. The merit number my daughter received was not competitive with her other offers so it makes it easy to close that door.


Did other people have a note that it’s for one year and then you need to reapply? We didn’t qualify for financial aid on 10 schools so I assume this is merit that case sent out or a discount but not true aid. Question then is next year will they award the same or then not award anything? Anyone have a student that has same note at the bottom of the letter?

Our letter said everything except university-provided scholarships (the merit award) has to be renewed each year. That’s standard, as need-based aid is dependent on a family’s current financial situation.

So, if the award is described as “university scholarship” and not “CWRU Grant” in your letter, I don’t think you’ll have have to reapply for it.

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Thanks for clarification

Did this email come to you as a parent or to your child? Neither of us have seen anything yet
S22 is likely to commit to Tulane University as they have offered him honors, merit, research opportunity, etc ahead of this whole CWRU thing, but he is still curious how it might play out. It has been a very long cycle and playing the waitlist game seems like roulette at this point.