Case Western Reserve Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

The email went to my son, but both my wife and I also got emails saying that they had sent him his financial aid info. In the Case waitlist webinar, the admissions dean said they would send the aid email on 3/31, so I was surprised when it came in a day early.

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  1. Case gives every freshman a dorm spot so they want to fill the dorms but not over fill

  2. Case wants to preserve their “yield” (offers of admittance vs. enrollment)

  3. Case wants you to know what your financial aid package would be

  4. So if they were to offer you a spot off the waitlist, they might say “If we were to offer you a spot off the waitlist with $25K Merit would you enroll?” and if you said “Yes” then they would offer you the spot with a 99% guarantee that you would actually enroll.

  5. Obviously if you aren’t going to enroll if offered a spot then you should say no

  6. So for someone like @JulieKM 's daughter who saw that 25K was not competitive with other offers she had she can say “no” to Case and they can choose someone else off the WL.


Came to both. Different letters parents no dollar amount but mentioning student would receive

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Thank you for the info, we weren’t able to make the waitlist webinar.

My husband and I got an email yesterday saying they recently sent my daughter info on financial aid and/or scholarship. But she said she didn’t get anything about that and only got an email last week with general info about the waitlist. She’s also known to miss emails. :woman_facepalming:

For those of you whose kids got the email with financial aid/ scholarship offer if taken off the waitlist – was that info only sent via email, or was it on the portal too? Thanks!

The emails we got said every Friday starting April 1 you need to confirm you want to stay on the waitlist and those went to parents as well as students. Then A separate parent letter came pointing to a student letter regarding financial aid in Merit. My student also missed the email until I mentioned it. Check the junk mail too

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Did the letter say Case would give you 25K EVERY YEAR or just the first year? My waitlisted DS got the email about the University Scholarship as well but it only mentions 2022-23. We are trying to figure that out.

We (husband, daughter and I) also got that email last week saying they want to “stay connected” and info on confirming waitlist interest starting April 1. Then got the email to parents yesterday saying they sent info to student earlier regarding fin aid/merit.

But she/we didn’t get any emails with actual fin aid or scholarship amounts. Looks like others on this thread did get that, so maybe my D just isn’t getting any. :thinking:

@InquiringMom2 @JohnCoctostan @haveaniceday624 did the emails with actual scholarship/aid amounts go to just kids and not parents? Is it also on their portals? Maybe not everyone is getting these, which sounds like potentially good news for your kids (uh oh did I just do portal astrology?!)

It was an email to my kid nothing on the portal. Not clear if it is just 1 year (most likely) or all 4 years (hopefully)
.which obviously is a huge difference. 1 year and Rice is still the preference; 4 years and something to seriously consider.

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Well either way, congrats that’s amazing! Their website doesn’t make clear either, so you might want to email the admissions office. And if Rice is the other option, sounds like your kid’s in a great place! :partying_face:

I’ll ask my daughter to re-check her emails, but I suspect she just didn’t get one. Thanks for clarifying!

I hope she did! This is an unusual process.

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From a sit-down with one of Case FA directors: the University Scholarship (the ones awarded without the student applying for it) are for good for 8 semesters. This means the students can co-op away for a semester or more, and the scholarship will be there when they return to Case.

This is typical with other private school scholarships that I’ve seen.

If in doubt, give the FA office a call.

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DS received an admit into spring semester from waitlist today. We’re not sure how to proceed. Their email states he’s still being considered for fall. Anyone has any stats based on previous years or seen movement towards fall admission from spring? Is there a negative if he accepts spring admission?

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Congrats! My DS also waiting. Did your daughter send in any additional documents? LOCI and etc.?

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Good luck to her - the wait is hard. He did not do anything additional other than answering their questionnaire and attending virtual sessions

I know that some students do enter CWRU as spring admits and that from what I have seen through the chats many of those were offered it from a WL. I also heard of at least one student being offered from a WL a fall entry but to the next year (not in the current cycle but a prior one) so instead of starting one semester later it would be a full GAP year.

As for your question I don’t know CWRU specific but I do know at Emory if a student is WL for Emory College but accepts to Oxford and Emory goes to the Emory College WL it is usually a person that chose to enroll at Oxford that gets the spot. I also have heard the same from Oxford campus if there is an opening in the Fall there a spring admit is usually the one that moves to Fall and then a WL from the non enrolled pool to Oxford spring.

Doesn’t mean anything at CWRU though.

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My son got an acceptance yesterday for the spring semester and with a scholarship. He is concerned about the spring semester as he thinks that he is behind other students who are ahead and know each other already. We don’t know if there are any negatives of spring semester. Any one can share information?

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@CZS2022 exactly same concerns here. How do students adapt to this? Anyone with prior experience?

My son is sending an email out to admissions to ask about spring. I think if you decline spring, then chances of getting into fall 2022 from waitlist is unlikely- just my guess.

In the 2018-2019 admissions cycle Case didn’t admit anyone off the WL. (for historical data see CWRU Waitlist FAQs)

This was the first time that this happened so they tried to figure out ways to help some of the students still attend Case
at the time they offered Gap years and also Spring admits.

I am wondering if this happened again this year
is their a higher yield than anticipated and they are trying to give WL kids the option to attend Case?

If I were considering Spring Admission, I would ask:

  1. How are spring admits handled? Is there orientation? Is there any special support?

  2. How did Spring admission go for the 2-18/2019 admission cycle? Did they have issues? What will be done differently if anything?

  3. Can I (the student) talk to other students who have done spring admission before?

  4. How does it work signing up for classes? Will they be available when I need them?

  5. What am I allowed to do for Fall semester? Can I attend Community college? Will those credits transfer?

  1. Will spring admits get freshman housing with the rest of freshmen?

@bopper had a call with our Case admission counselor yesterday. Here’s what we were told:

  1. How are spring admits handled? Is there orientation? Is there any special support?
    They have the same experience as Fall cohort - orientation, housing (smaller subset of selections). They wouldn’t divulge a number or % when I asked what the typical cohort looks like
  2. How did Spring admission go for the 2-18/2019 admission cycle? Did they have issues? What will be done differently if anything? They didn’t have any issues in the past looks like. Students don’t seem to find it that hard to settle in
  3. Can I (the student) talk to other students who have done spring admission before? Didnt ask that question
  4. How does it work signing up for classes? Will they be available when I need them? Yes, very similar to Fall and they asked to work with Undergraduate studies
  5. What am I allowed to do for Fall semester? Can I attend Community college? Will those credits transfer? Typically students study abroad or community college (for credit courses that can count towards your degree, again work with Undergraduate studies on courses), no restrictions on credits but they don’t want you enrolled as a continuing student - just credit only. They also suggested full time employment, internship. We’re allowed to talk to study abroad department if we need more info
  6. Will spring admits get freshman housing with the rest of freshmen? Yes they’re paired with other freshmen. We did ask them why spring spots open up and we were said its mostly due to study abroad, enrollment forecast etc. They did say its a smaller cohort than fall. Case apparently just released their first round of waitlist for spring on Friday. Fall waitlist hasn’t moved yet. They said we’d know more towards end of April, early May. They’re unable to predict the probability right now.