Case Western Reserve Class of 2027 Official Thread

Sibling OOS accepted with $40k University Scholarship. CS, ACT 32, 4 APs, 12 dual enrollment courses, Georgia Tech DE distance math program for linear algebra and calculus. No competition awards or academic extra currics but has work experience and played a sport. Demographics: Latin, first gen. Super proud of her!

Other acceptances: Georgia Tech, UVA, UIUC, NC State, UGA, UAB, UMN, Clemson, UPitt, Auburn, Iowa.
Deferred: Perdue
Up next: Duke, Brown, Yale, Emory, Carnegie Mellon


Of the applicants that accepted a spot on the waitlist, 7% were subsequently accepted.

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Accepted with University scholarship: $43,5k/yr

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Last year they admitted 436 from their waitlist and the year before they admitted 364 but both years it was only 7% of their waitlist that got admitted. (They offered the same amount the waitlist option, but less people opted in the year before.)

DS got waitlisted
(email says due to housing) – does any one know probability of acceptance if wait listed in case?

Here are the stats from the Common Data Set for the last 2 years:

Fall 2021 - 11,495 offered spot on the waitlist, 4,992 accepted waitlist, 364 offered admission from waitlist (7%)

Fall 2022 - 11,620 offered spot on the waitlist, 6,056 accepted waitlist, 436 offered admission from waitlist (7%)

In that case they should let D off the waitlist bc we have family there and don’t need campus housing :joy:

I didn’t see an opt in so is it automatic waitlisted?

They did admit from the WL as the said. Most that we know of were spring admits. So keep that in the back of your mind too.

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No. The university scholarship is different for each. Last year we saw people in the 15k-45k range.

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CWRU doesn’t accept by major. It doesn’t even accept by college. CWRU is an open campus (not curriculum). You get into the undergraduate program. My daughter hasn’t declared what her major ls yet - finishing first year but she is planning on mechanical engineering and theatre dramaturgy (as a secondary major). She might minor in something from another area too and you can. It’s one of the few places where that works.

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That wouldn’t be so bad, so starting school in spring 2024. But D got a lot of merit from similar ranked schools outside of CA (where we are) and I don’t know if they will offer anything for WL kids, though I think the letter mentioned they would.

rejected !! 1520 4.2W/3.75UW good ecs w/regional + national recognition

not absolutely devastated, mostly just annoyed that they sent so many emails and some of the emails were very positive and made it sound like I was accepted only to be rejected

S23 (1500, 3.90UW/4.40W) got in with 28K scholarship, and an invite for an International (Spain) 1st semester program. Does any one know if we can opt out of this ?

They said they will send an email April 9 to see if people want to opt into the waitlist. I suspect they wait until all decisions come out so they know if you opt into the waitlist at that point it’s because it is still one of your top choices.

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They will still offer money to those accepted off the WL.

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Hi all! I opened up my portal today just after decisions were released to see that I was waitlisted. But then I was able to access a second decision letter after scrolling down a bit that said I was accepted and had received a scholarship. Could it be that I was taken off the waitlist after not even 15 minutes of decisions being released? Or was the waitlist letter a mistake? I’m a little confused so I was wondering if this happened to anyone else?

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Accepted with 28k scholarship. Evaluating if it’s good for business (compared to UIUC and Purdue).

Stats: 4.0 UW/ 5.1 W, 1530 SAT, EC primarily around dance, Summer internship, choreography.

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let us know if there was an error, or if you actually ended up off the waitlist that quickly!

Contact admissions and ask about the letters.

We know of a student last year that was rejected. Actually rejected but at the same time was awarded a department scholarship (kind you have to audition and interview for). When the department heard about the rejection they fought for a reversal so that person did get two letters. The initial rejection followed by an acceptance. Not saying that happened but do contact and check.

Years ago when letters were mailed wrong ones happened occasionally.

Actually years ago my own CWRU letter got stuck in the school’s mailroom so I didn’t know I was accepted. We found out when they called to see if I was coming for my scholarship interview. I was really confused. We had to scramble to get me there and when I arrived everyone knew me and had found my destroyed letter as well as generated a new one. Oh and no I am not an alum simply a parent of a current student. I loved it but wanted to stay in Atlanta so I went to Emory.


OK my DD checked right at release time and told me she was waitlisted. We were bummed and were looking at her other options, then 2 hours later, I saw some of you mention the detail of the waitlist letter, got curious and wanted to read it myself. When I went to open the letter, was very surprised to see it started with “Congratulations”. Being waitlisted gets congratulations too I was wondering? But I kept reading and it said she was accepted with $25K scholarship! We were wondering how she could mis read it or the initial letter was a mistake
so she kept checking all afternoon to be sure the acceptance was still there. And it still is.