CBH to medical school

Does anyone have an idea of the success of CBHers getting into med school?

I’ve never known a CBHer who applied to med schools to not have success.

That said, virtually all of Bama’s premeds (CBH or not) who are top students will get into med school.

Are you a premed? If so, if you keep your GPA high, get a very good MCAT score, do medically related ECs, get good LORs, have a sensible app list AND not apply late, then you’ll likely get into med school whether you’re in CBH or not.

M2CK: One of my son’s former roommates is now in med school, and he was in CBHP. An outstanding student at Bama, he won a Goldwater Scholarship in his junior year. I believe he is at UAB.

@momreads Yes! Every premed CBHer that I’ve ever known HAS gotten into med school.

(Maybe my post above wasn’t clear…my mistake of using a double negative)

At least 2 of my CBH son’s classmates went to med school (they graduated from med school last year)

My younger son, who is in med school, has classmates who were in CBH.

In my FB group of UA preprofessional parents, there have been several premed CBH students who’ve gone to med school.

Every UA premed that I’ve been involved with that has good grades and a good MCAT has gotten into med school except one…and she made a significant misstep.

Thanks for the info, I will pass it along to my DD