CBHP and UFE essay prompts

<p>Hi! Does anyone know the essay prompts for CBHP and UFE programs? My D did not start considering Alabama until late October and is since growing more and more interested in the honors program opportunities! Her school uses Naviance exclusively and has been slow to send her transcript in the mail (they actually sent it electronically somewhere they thought was Alabama last week… thinking UAB now has her transcript). While her guidance counselor is promising to mail it tomorrow, she is stuck in the “waiting admission” phase. I know she also has to apply and be accepted to the Honors Program prior to getting to these apps and the deadlines are looming! She is hoping to start on essays sooner rather than later.</p>

<p>Thanks for any insight!</p>

<p>@kidsrexpensive‌ Here’s what you can see about the programs and the applications once you’ve submitted the Honors application:</p>


<p>The Selection Process</p>

<p>CBHP selects 40 freshmen students per year for admission into the research program. Factors initially assessed include: your high school grades, standardized test scores, achievements, honors, personal and professional interests, and your essay. All finalists are required to attend an interview weekend on February 23rd-24th, 2014. Applicants will be notified of their status during the first week of February. All communication will be through the student’s Crimson email account assigned by The University of Alabama. </p>

<p>Computer-Based Honors Program Essay
Develop an essay describing your personal attributes and experiences that will contribute to your success as a researcher. In addition, please detail why research is important to you during your undergraduate years, and how it will play a role in your future.</p>

<h2>Please note there is a 3800 character limit on the essay.</h2>


<p>The Selection Process</p>

<p>We expect over 1,000 students admitted to The University of Alabama this year to be eligible to apply for the University Fellows Experience. The competition will be very stiff. Because all those invited will have impressive grades and test scores, the UFE selection committee will consider the candidate’s record of impact in their community, leadership achievements, extracurricular activities, and the candidate’s essays much more heavily than those grades and test scores. We seek students who ultimately will make a difference throughout their lives; therefore, creativity, productivity, service, leadership, and personal growth are points to highlight on your resume and in your essays.</p>

<p>The Application Process </p>

<p>There are three required elements to the application for the University Fellows Experience:
Two Essays --3800 characters each
Letter of Recommendation (Limit of one). The letter of recommendation must be on official letterhead, must be submitted online by your recommender, and must be received by Saturday, December 20, 2014. See the Letter of Recommendation section below.</p>

<p>To be considered, applications must be submitted online by the deadline of midnight Monday, December 8, 2014.
Applicants must ensure their names and contact information are not included in the resume or essay portions of this application.</p>

<p>All applicants will be notified of their status by Sunday, February 1, 2015. Approximately 120 semifinalists will receive phone interviews, after which approximately sixty finalists will be invited to the UFE Finalist Interview Weekend February 20-21, 2015.</p>

<p>Essay #1
Write an essay about yourself, your college and career goals, and the way in which you expect the University Fellows Experience to enrich your academic experience at The University of Alabama</p>

<p>Essay #2
If you were offered the chance to have dinner and conversation with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be? What would you want to discuss?</p>

<p>Thank you so much hs2015mom!! My daughter was very discouraged that she couldn’t get started this weekend as she was finally done with her other 9 applications and had some free time! Is your child applying to both/either? If so, best of luck!! Thanks again :->!</p>

<p>@kidsrexpensive‌, potentially to both, if essay fatigue isn’t too much. Best of luck to your daughter, too!</p>

<p>For the University fellows prompt, can the person be fictional?</p>

<p>Not sure tobester. Sounded like they were providing latitude to be creative, though. hs2015mom - we just got back today from visiting Alabama. Such a lovely campus and the honors program folks were so nice. My D met with people about both programs and was duly impressed!! She met one student who was in both programs and has had a terrific experience. :->! We are sad to be home in snow after 65 and sunny in AL!</p>