CBHP Scholarship?

<p>I’ll send you a pm.</p>

It really should never be ALL about the money </p>



<p>If the parents won’t/can’t pay, then it does become all about the money. Where do you suggest a student get the money from if the family won’t pay?</p>

<p>Correct, but in this case they are considering UA and the cost of UA housing/meal plans are more than attending comm college and driving,</p>

<p>Absolutely! The cost of UA housing/meals IS more than attending a CC and commuting. And, if the parents won’t help at all, then just free tuition won’t be enough unless he can somehow work enough during the summer, and also work during the school year…choose the cheaper housing for frosh year…plus move off campus after frosh year…buy books online or rent…and find other ways to cut costs. </p>

<p>BTW…since this student is engineering, he would get free tuition PLUS $2500 per year. With a student loan and the suggestions above, he might be able to make it all work…especially if his parents qualify for the tuition tax credit and they’ll give that to him. </p>

<p>He should apply and apply to CBH.</p>

<p>My D (excellent stats, gpa, etc out of HS) was in the reserve pool and then selected out of it in June before her frosh year. Then inn August, she received notification of what we considered a very generous CBH fellowship. It’s been a real blessing. As for her CBH colleagues, they are very, very smart. My D was a “smart kid” in her HS (which is a rigorous school) but says she is one of the dumber ones in CBH. Those kids have got it going on! </p>

<p>OP, my S had similar stats to the young man you mention (he was NMF, but had a lower GPA/class rank) and was offered the CBH Fellowship with stipend. I will PM you with the exact amount of DS stipend, but it was generous and, along with the Eng. scholarship, covered about 2/3 of room/board in Honors housing.</p>