CBH additional scholarship offers? 2015


I know it had been mentioned that sometimes there is additional money that comes with the CBH offer but not always and not every year. I was curious if anyone received any additional scholarship offers with the CBH offer. DS was placed in the reserve pool but DD is interested in Bama in a couple of years and she was beginning to think of CBH.

I have not heard anything, and there was nothing in my letter about additional scholarship money. I have talked to one or two other people about it, but they didn’t receive anything additional either.

Thank you for the information & congratulations on acceptance into the program.

@Tam1233‌ Good luck to your son! I’m glad your daughter is also interested in CBH. From what I understand, the scholarships given are the exception, rather than the rule. They are mostly used for the few students who do not have the Presidential scholarship already to cover the remaining cost of attendence. There may be a couple others, but they are more honorary than substantial.

In the past, the awards are given to those who don’t have NMF or similar awards. Don’t know if those who get the extra eng’g money or other dept awards are also skipped. Likely they would be as well.

Since nearly every CBHer has at least the Presidential or equivalent, I doubt that the money is now only given to those who don’t have that much.

In recent years, the awards have gone to those with the Presidential (or equivalent), and the awards are usually $2k-4k per year. I really think they’re given to those who don’t have “extra” awards.

Hello, I am a current student in CBH. mom2collegekids is correct on the fact that most CBHers have at least one of the full-tuition scholarships. In fact I do not know of a single CBH freshman who does not have at least the Presidential Scholarship.

However, the CBH fellowships are not given out based on who has the least amount of money. They are a merit based scholarship. As such many CBHers with both NMF and the engineering scholarship also have a CBH fellowship. In fact, I know at least one freshman CBHer who has multiple full tuition scholarships along with the engineering scholarship, and he was still offered a CBH fellowship.

mom2collegekids is correct about the usual range of the award associated with the fellowships. Also, these awards tend to be offered separately from the CBH acceptance letters and several weeks after acceptance notification.

I hope this helps. If you have any other questions please just ask.

@larkum Thanks for the update. The awarding to NMFs may be something that is “newish” now that NMFs don’t get 4 years of tuition. When my NMF son was in CBH, he had 4 years of housing included in his award, so NMFs weren’t given any extra CBH money. But, now things are different, so…

@Larkum‌ would you recommend accepting my scholarship offers now, or do you think I should wait until late April to see if any other scholarships roll in? Getting housing covered, or partially covered, would be simply amazing since I have 3 other siblings who are all college-bound. I’m not NMF though, so I’m not sure how far merit-wise I qualify.

Accepting ones currently awarded scholarships now has no bearing on being awarded additional scholarships later on. Accept your scholarships now and if you’re awarded an additional scholarship, you’ll receive an email and/or letter stating such.

In addition, some departments will have scholarship money left over and will award it to students during the semester. One should complete the UA scholarship application every year.