Questions about CBHP, Emerging Scholars

<p>As an incoming freshman at UA, I’ve been browsing these threads for a while now, and everyone’s been so helpful, I finally broke down and got an account! I just have a couple of questions about some programs at Alabama: I applied to CBHP, and got into the reserve pool. Does anyone know what my chances are of getting a spot (how many are in the pool - I know it hard to gauge how many students will come to a school), and when I might find out? Also, as a backup, I applied to the Emerging Scholars program, which sounds really great, but it’s been at least two weeks and I haven’t heard anything back. I only e-mailed Dr. Webb, but I saw a form on the site, too - do I need to fill that out?</p>


<p>Usually the spots for CBH get filled during BB. There are a number on the reserve pool since the school has no idea how many of the pool will enroll elsewhere.</p>

<p>Contact Dr. Webb and ask about the form.</p>

<p>Thanks. One more question - I have NM full ride scholarship, which includes housing and tuition. I (my parents) had to pay about 225 dollars in deposits, which the site says would be put against the cost of housing and tuition. Can we expect to get any of that back, does it fall under the category of “other fees”?</p>

<p>Well you still have to pay for your food. So the housing down payment would be applied to that cost.</p>

<p>Technically, you’ll get that money back, but as mentioned above, since you’ll be billed for your meal plan, the money will likely get applied to that.</p>

<p>What is your major?</p>


<p>If you have Not submitted your housing deposit, I would do that right away. Freshmen priority housing deposit is April 1st.</p>