Hi, guys just wondering if anyone else is applying early action? what are your stats?

Not sure if this helps but I applied ED last year, got accepted, and finish Block 1 tomorrow.

Weighted GPA - 4.65 / 4
Unweighted GPA - 3.96 / 4
ACT Composite - 32
Class Rank - 1 / 590
No sports but decent honor society ECs
3 Standard classes, 7 Honors, 8 AP, 8 college classes

Thing is, at CC none of this really matters as much as the essays. The admissions people at CC truly want to learn about the person, not the numbers. Take a long hard look at the essay prompts.I guess one standard is the question where applicants are asked to design a class they would love to see as a Block. Hint: Invest more than 200 words describing this class. You want your passion and curiosity to come through. In fact, writing that essay is what convincedmeI was right to apply ED, because there is only one college in theworld where my class could be taught, and that is CC.

Good Luck!

Applying ED
Public High School in NY
Unweighted GPA- 3.62/4
ACT Compostie: 30
Class Rank: N/A
Eagle Scout
Varsity Basketball
Good Internships

AP US (4)
AP Bio (3)
AP Psych
AP Calc AB

Both Essays are >400 words and in my opinion are pretty solid. Really hoping I get in as it is my top choice. I’m expecting a no though, along with the other 85% of applicants

UW GPA - 4.0
W - 4.81
ACT - 30
Class rank - 1
6 APs, 5 APs this year, one college class
2 years xc and track
founder/pres Gay Straight Alliance club
pres gender equality club

good luck! :slight_smile:

do you guys know when we’ll be hearing back. Old threads say around December 15th. Do you guys also know if regional diversity helps

From what they told us at orientation, the number of ED applications has increased dramatically, making it difficult to pinpoint a precise day. In addition, I heard that the deadline for applications just got moved by 5 days, so that could mean that the announcements are delayed as well.

Best of luck!

Applying ED
GPA - W: 3.73 UW: 4.20
SAT: 2040
Class rank: 73 (?) of ~600 kids
Total of 9 AP classes taken
Vice pres. of Improv and Corresponding Sec. of SGA
Got an internship under my belt

Buuuuuuut my essays are a little subpar.
I’ve been reading up that the essays are very important in the consideration process and that people with 4.0 GPAs and super high test scores got rejected – I’m guessing it’s from not having that extra spice that the admissions office is looking for. Also, the number of applicants went WAY up last year, so I’m predicting there will be an ample amount of applications this year too. It’s hard to say what’s going to happen.

Anyone know when the decisions come out? The deadline got extended, so I was wondering if anyone figured out if the decision date will be moved back too? SUPER #skressed.

@cchoping yeah I’m hoping they pushed it back because not that many kids had submitted their apps yet. Hopefully it goes down and they let more kids in

Does anyone know how they will release EA decisions? Will they release all decisions on the same day or will they send decisions as they come out? I am so anxious!!! The wait is unbearable I really wanna go here

@DeadHead17 that’s what I was thinking too when I got the email. If so, more room for us!!

@whale0 EA Decisions are Nov. 20th and ED is Nov. 15th – both can be found on your personal Basecamp.

Those are the application deadlines. The decisions are released in mid-December for EA and ED1.

@whale0 Not November!! December!! That is my bad!!

UW GPA - 3.8
W - 4.6
ACT - 35
SAT: 2250
Class rank - Not sure
10 APs,
XC Varsity 4 years (Captain Senior)
Soccer Varsity4 years
300+ hours Volunteering related to Environmental Conservation


2 more weeks for us ED’s… mad nervous

Has anybody contacted admissions to ask about what date we should expect decisions to be released?

What did you guys write for the second supplemental (create your own block)? I came up with a class that focused around mistranslations in history - specifically what they were, what caused them (scribe messed up a letter or two, cultural misunderstanding, etc.), and their impact.

One example I used was the unconditional surrender sent to Japan at the end of WW2 in 1945. When reporters asked the Japanese Prime Minister Suzuki about it, he said “mokusatsu,” which can mean to either remain silent or treat with silent contempt. He intended that he and his cabinet hadn’t decided what to do, and so they were ‘staying silent,’ but the US assumed that he referred to the more negative meaning, and as a result dropped the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Anyways, thought you guys (and girls) would find that interesting.

For what it is worth, my essay formulated a class studying the impact of Buckminster Fuller, who was both an engineer and a philosopher. I got accepted ED last year and am in the middle of Block 4.

My advice to anyone would be to find a topic that is super interesting, but also make the class match the Block philosophy. The Block System is unique and special. It gives us opportunities which other colleges do not foster. My impression of that essay has always been that CC wants to see how we would pursue academic questions.

So my advice is to use every last one of the 500 allowed words and be specific about how the class would participate. Even though we go to class 3 hours every day, it is not like the class is a 3 hour lecture in a big hall. The classes are small. Each session can be different and almost none have the professor lecturing for 3 hours. In my essay, I proposed a structure where 90 minutes was lecture and 90 minutes was student led discussions of quotes relating to Fuller’s philosophy. As it turns out, a lot of classes here are just like that. I also added another component. Anyone who is serious about coming to CC can search around the CC website and see similar examples of that component.

These are just my opinions. I don’t want to make it sound like I know what is in the Admissions Department’s heads. However, I did hear from a couple of people at Accepted Students’ Weekend that they thought I should find a professor in the History Department and actually make that class a reality. So it is obvious that they take the time to read that essay and they think it is important.