CC Forums Migration: Known issues + Status Update

Oops! Actually only logged out users should be seeing it. I’ll check with the team to make sure it doesn’t show for registered folks. Thanks for reporting it!

Could you tell me what browser you are using?

I am on a desktop on chrome and yesterday it kept popping up even after I was logged on.

Thanks for looking into it.

Why do I get this every single time I open this site. Started yesterday. I’m already a member!

Yes that is what I was talking about. It is happening on Firefox and Chrome.

I’m still getting this!!

I have nothing nice to say about this whole redesign so I will restrain myself from commenting there.

But I also got the “join the world’s largest blah blah” just now when opening the site.

And I would like to say that searching lately generates a spinning wheel and I just give up and close the site.

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I’m getting that admissions decision season pop up on a MacBook Pro using Firefox. I’m not getting it on my ipad using safari.

I think we got down to the problem. We want to encourage lurkers to register, but registered users shouldn’t see most of the "join the world’s largest blah blah” popups (unless it’s some special news - but that’s unlikely).

This is concerning. I will investigate.

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Yesterday I also kept getting the invitation to join.

Also it would bounce at the top and bottom of a thread. Bouncing at the top has been happening all along, but the inability to get down to the last post without bouncing was a problem. PC.

Both problems only occurred yesterday- the invitation and the bouncing at the bottom.

If you notice any “504 Gateway timeout” issues, we’re on it. Doing some investigation on infrastructure…

Just a comment… If I go to the Colleges and Universities forum and choose “New” or “Latest”, why do I have to scroll past a listing of all the schools (including a list of each school’s most recent threads, I think… which takes up lots of real estate) just to get to the new or latest posts I am trying to see? It is very cumbersome. Once I select the filter, I would expect only to see those “new” topics, for example.

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Two things:

  1. I used to have a list of bookmarked threads that showed me only those with new posts. That appears to now be lost and gone forever, and I have to rely on the whole list of bookmarks. It’s not horrible, I suppose, but it’s messy.
  2. Is anyone else having bookmarks de-bookmark (to coin a verb)? I’m a regular on the college closures thread, and when I went there to post a recent one, I discovered I had to search for it and find it, because my bookmark was gone. Are bookmarks aging away if we don’t follow them? Because particularly for a thread like that one, where there are flurries of activity but it may be a couple or three months between bouts, that would be a very bad thing.

The new bookmarking and alert system is a nightmare. There are so many different alerts and it isn’t user friendly. I’m not opposed to change but I can’t figure out the logic of how the new alert system works.

For example on my avatar, there are green numbers for PM. Blue numbers indicate a new thread in a forum I’ve bookmarked or a direct reply to something I’ve posted. I don’t see any avatar alert for new posts in a bookmarked thread.

Right now (on a desktop), I read to the bottom of a thread and see a few “suggested topics” that have blue alert numbers next to them. I click and read those and assume I’ve looked at all of my bookmarked threads with new posts. When I go back to the forum home page there are often blue alerts next to bookmarked threads that did not appear in suggested topics. Additionally, there are light grey “1 new, 2 unread” type of alerts. Even if I open a forum and read all of the threads, those alerts don’t go away.

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I received a fairly nonsensical email this morning with “updates” since my last visit. They included:

College Admissions
February 3
Flagged words test

flagged words test 123456 Flagged words test

Suspend user flagged word

suspend user flagged word 123

College Admissions
February 3
Testing require approval test

testing require approval 123

College Admissions
February 3
Test google chrome draft

test google chrome draft ■■■■■■■■■■

I received an email yesterday updating me of board activity since my last visit, which it said was on November 20. I checked all my settings and could find nothing that indicated I signed up for this type of email (with incorrect information).

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I posted an update here. This was our mistake and we corrected it today. You shouldn’t receive any more of these emails. Sorry for the confusion - sending extra email is definitely something we don’t want to do at all.


Hmmm…we haven’t made any changes to how bookmarks work lately. Generally, bookmarked threads with new posts shows up in the notification area of your profile. That is controlled by the “Tracking” button at the bottom and side of the thread:
Screen Shot 2021-03-22 at 12.37.08 PM
I’ll play around with it to see if I notice any strange behavior.

Bookmarks are forever. Even if you set a reminder on them, the only thing that should happen is a green dot should show up. The bookmark should never go away unless you remove it explicitly.

That said, the menu in your profile only shows the latest 10 bookmarks - you’ll need to select “View All” to see older ones.

@CC_Mike What is up with the Dorm Essentials Giveaway pop up? I’m logged on and it keeps popping up in the middle of my screen (desktop, Chrome). There is also a Gear Up for College Early banner that obscures the header so I can’t click on anything without closing the banner. As soon as I move to a new thread, the banner pops up again. I have to close it every time I want to use the header to change threads.

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Oops! Just touched base with the Director of Marketing to double check the settings of that message. After you refresh, the next time you close those pop ups, they shouldn’t appear again for a few days. Let me know if you still have trouble with them. They shouldn’t be popping up more than once every 3-4 days.

Funny, I was on another site then came back to check CC. I saw the blue alert and response from you. When I clicked the shortcut under my avatar, the big square Dorm Essentials pop up appeared. I think that one seems to appear after a period of inactivity.

ETA: The Gear Up for College banner now says “Giveaway Alert” but still obscures the header as I scroll down any page of the website.

ETA: Looks like the top banner is fixed now. Thanks!