CC Forums Migration: Known issues + Status Update

@CC_Jon @CC_Sorin
Have you looked at the forum containing this particular post on a mobile phone? On my smallish iPhone, in portrait, the description takes up more than a full screen. Would there maybe be some way to truncate the description on mobile devices, maybe with a “…” read-more option?

ETA - I see now, there is already a “… read more” at the bottom, but 1) there is already a full screen and more of text on a phone, and 2) clicking the “… read more” doesn’t actually give you more of the description, it takes you to the posts in the thread itself.

i’ve also noticed that when im on the home page, I’m forced to login again, even if i already am!

I’m sorry if I’m making a comment that’s been made 50 times before, but I haven’t been reading this thread as I am basically OK with the new format. The one thing that’s bothering me is the Reply function. I saw above that there has been discussion about the replies appearing twice, once when you click on the button that says, say, “2 replies” and then again in the main thread. I thought I would avoid that by skipping the button and just reading the thread, but then the name of the person whose post is being replied to doesn’t appear and it becomes quite confusing.

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Hi there! I love the new site. Any update on when the old private messages will be imported over? Thanks!!


@CC_Jon, The site isn’t jumping around today. Keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way. Any updates on the battery draining issue?


Great news! We think the worst of the battery problem was fixed, but you might need to refresh your browser cache to see it. (This doesn’t mean we’re done working on the issue, though. We have identified several optimizations that seem promising.)

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Yes, I’d love to know too.

@CC_Jon any updates on when our own threads, bookmarks and messages will be moved over?


The tentative date for private messages is Dec. 23. Bookmarks are the next priority.

Hmmm… Is this something other than bookmarks and messages? Your posts should already be associated with your account, but I might be misunderstanding what you mean.

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As in all the threads I’ve made since I first joined CC. Do I need to use the Download All button under Activity?

Actually, I think they are all under Topics.

Is there some reason why Santa Clara University is not on that LONG list of colleges? Or did I miss it somehow??


Hmmm? I see it between San Jose State and Sarah Lawrence.

Thank you for your quick response!

Silly me…I didn’t realize that some schools were in a second column. On my IPad, SCU is actually to the right of San Jose.

So…here is my suggestion. If you really are using two columns as it appears on some devices, really make it two columns…consistently and with a clear tab so it actually shows as two columns. Not some random thing where some schools are in a second column, and some are not.

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Ok…here’s one. I’m using an iPad. For previously banned posters, if I hit their @ name from the post, it takes me to a cover page for their profile…no mention of them being suspended. BUT if I click on their avatar from that profile page, I get the “account suspended” in red letters.

Why is this a two step process.

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@CC_Jon, The website is back to rolling today. I’ll let you know if it goes away.

Why doesn’t quoted text look different than regular text? I tried the quote feature but it looks just the same as the rest of the post.

@CC_Jon is it possible to keep old posts locked? Many people are posting on ancient threads. If no one has posted in the past six months, perhaps a thread should be locked automatically.


Yes, we can do that. Does seem like a new thread is in order if the old one is sixish months old. I believe there is a site setting for that.

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I get this pop up every time I log on:

Cookies and other technologies are used on this site to offer users the best experience of relevant content, information and advertising. As a California resident you have the right to adjust what data we and our partner collect to optimize your experience. You can view more information on the specific categories of third parties that are used and which data is accessed and stored by clicking on “Settings”. For more information

I’ve mentioned it before but the settings button doesn’t work. Can you please fix that?

I also live in California and I got it once. I think I used either the “OK” button or the “X” to dismiss it. It only shows up for me when I move to a new browser or use incognito/private browsing. Unfortunately it’s a legal requirement to show it, but it should be possible to dismiss.

I remember that. Looks like we had a reversion for some reason. I’ll let you know when it’s fixed.

Can you try the settings button again, please? (Might need to refresh the page.) If it doesn’t work, for whatever reason, it would help to know what browser and OS you are using.

Thanks @CC_Jon It worked this time. :smile:

I’m usually on Chrome on a PC.