CC, Hamilton, Vassar

<p>This is really hard - The $$$ are best at CC but loved Hamilton and Vassar (no aid). Any thoughts? Help!</p>

<p>That is a hard choice, I also looked at Hamilton and Vassar, I loved them both, but I much much preferred CC. It really depends on how much you know about CC. It is really important that you make sure that CC block plan would work for your learning style. If it does, then you should definetley come to CC. CC is a really fun school, and you can ski.</p>

<p>From what I have heard about Vassar, it is culturally not AT ALL like CC.</p>

<p>How about telling us more about yourself? And are you male or female? </p>

<p>Also, if $$ is the main issue, well, try CC and transfer if you don't like it.</p>

<p>Yeah, really different cultures. Here's my cruel stereotype: outdoorsy, rich and smart hippie-jocks (CC) vs. brilliant gender benders, Trustafarians and Goth Girls (Vassar) vs. preppy Student Leader Types who could not quite get into an Ivy (Hamilton). The truth probably is stranger. </p>

<p>My S says prospectives he met at CC seem to be expecting a life-defining educational adventure. Is slightly skeptical (thinks he knows who he is already and does not need that) but overall, really likes the atmosphere at CC. Is practical, has clear goals, and thinks CC offers more flexibility (compared to alternatives) to put together a plan that will meet personal needs for internships or field work. This in a gorgeous setting that offers unparalleled access to outdoor recreation, plus the exciting chance to debate Evolution vs. Intelligent Design with the Right Wing Nut Jobs you meet on the bus in Colorado Springs.</p>

<p>I think tk2179's stereotypes are pretty accurate. CC has more in common with Hamilton than Vassar. I would add that CC students tend to be friendly and laidback. My midwestern S (a freshman a CC) also looked at several east coast LACs (similar to Hamilton) and Grinnell (probably similar to Vassar). He found CC to be the perfect mix of the two personalities. I find it interesting that most of his friends at CC are from the east coast. You should read the Vassar and Hamilton threads as there are several posts comparing the two schools. All three schools offer a fabulous liberal arts education but it would be a bonus not to have to stress about money. Do not forget to take the block plan into consideration. Good luck !</p>

<p>vassar>hamilton>>cc </p>

<p>first ask yourself where would you rather be if money is not an issue. then ask how much does money matter to you. say if like vassar best and you can afford to pay more, then go with vassar. but if money is your deciding factor then cc is you best bet. every year applicants much like yourself are in the possition of having to attend a backup school simply because of financial difficulties. you're lucky to have three great choices.</p>

<p>Adding to Vassar: Lots of hipsterism, too.</p>

<p>I have a friend whose southern daughter is transferring from Vassar (and it was her first choice) because of the hipster atmosphere and paucity of straight boys. That's why I wanted to know your gender, rrebah, because if you are a guy, whether gay or straight, you will have a lot of choice in partners at Vassar and that could be a consideration.</p>

<p>I think the stereotype above of CC is pretty accurate. My S was not at all looking for a "life-defining educational adventure" (wouldn't know what that meant) but is enjoying what he got. He is very laid back and is doing well, balancing classes with lots of sports, skiing, and partying.</p>

<p>My S is finishing up his soph year and has really enjoyed CC. He's pursuing both a traditional Major and an "arts" Major, but indicates that the CC experience really is what you make it (similar to Canadianmom's S's experience).</p>

This in a gorgeous setting that offers unparalleled access to outdoor recreation, plus the exciting chance to debate Evolution vs. Intelligent Design with the Right Wing Nut Jobs you meet on the bus in Colorado Springs.


<p>Fits what my S has told me to a T.</p>

it would be a bonus not to have to stress about money. Do not forget to take the block plan into consideration.


<p>Amen on the first statement. </p>

<p>And, if a student fits with the block program it is a very different college experience. Not having exams after holidays. Only having one exam at a time. Being able to concentrate on one subject at a time. Having a tough or not particularly personally enjoyable subject matter course last only 3-1/2 weeks. A 4-1/2 day breather once a month. Using the school's cabins for nada. </p>

<p>And don't forget getting a 5 mountain pass and going back to campus when the dorms reopen during Winter break to ski. It may not be every student's experience, but after having been away at college spending 4 to 5 weeks at the parents can seem a tad too long (perhaps for ALL involved).</p>

<p>My older sister went to Vassar, and my younger brother goes to CC. (I go to Reed.) It seems like your son would like CC or Vassar more than Hamilton, just from the way you're talking about his interests. (I've met several people from Hamilton who are very "Ivy-School" minded and seem to be more concerned with having a successful future and career than learning and experiencing life.) </p>

<p>My older sister loved Vassar; she's really intelligent and likes to argue-though if I were to stereotype her I'd have to say she's a bit of a "hipster". Same with all of her college buddies...they can be a bit of elitists at times and that seems to represent the mindset of a lot of the people that go to East Coast Liberal Arts schools. (One of the reasons I decided not to stay on the East Coast. I'm originally from Brooklyn, NY.) </p>

<p>My younger brother is a sophomore at CC and loves it; he is a really intelligent guitarist who seems to be completely comfortable with himself. He thinks the block-plan is the only true way to learn since you completely immerse yourself into an area and then become really well-versed in many areas rather than half-ass classes and juggle many subjects at the same time. He says that people at CC are really passionate and intelligent and genuine, which is refreshing coming out of New York. </p>

<p>Hope that helps at all...</p>

<p>My son loves CC. Turned down an ivy for it, has absolutely no regrets. Says this has been the best year of his life.</p>

<p>Wow - This thread has really been helpful. More about me, male (straight) from the NW, outdoor enthusiast, love boarding and hiking, photography, track team (hurdles). Vassar was great but too formal for me so I'm eliminating it for now. Loved faculty I met at Hamilton, spent two days at CC and very comfortable with culture and block plan. Biggest dilemma is academic interests, I love writing, sciences and liberal arts, however, I have a strong interest in pursuing computer sciences and Hamilton's program has more depth (curriculum), otherwise the decision would be easier. So it's CC (some schol. $$$), Hamilton (no aid) or a local school Western WA (honors program and schol. $$$) where the science program has depth.
Love to hear your thoughts but right now thinking about leaving all the conversation about prestige behind (my Dad loves Vassar) and leaning towards CC.</p>

<p>You sound like you are made for CC. </p>

<p>How about getting in touch with one of the computer science professors and seeing what kind of latitude you might have in working independently with someone who has your interests? I have no idea whether this is possible, but CC is not real big on giving out FA, so they are definitely very interested in having you there.</p>

<p>Rrebah, a certain kid I know is sold on the LAC concept, but wants to become an architect. Dilemma! There is, basically, no LAC in America (as far as we know) with a real architecture department (although a few offer "pre-architecture" tracks). One of the features that is selling him on CC is the flexibility of the Block Plan. He can take many of the standard math, physics, art history, etc., architecture requirements he'd take anywhere else. But if there is a gap in the offerings (say for portfolio development), he can do an internship or independent study without tying up an entire semester.</p>

<p>A thought on Computer Science at CC: I work in an IT field. Fairly bleeding edge AI stuff. My advice is to focus more on getting a broad, solid education in the liberal arts and sciences, and less on the technical pre-professional aspects of CS. You can pick up training in Systems Engineering or Software Project Management or Java Programming or Data Structures just about anywhere; chances are your employer will pay for it. In the short run, a crackerjack Java programmer may be in big demand these days. But in the long run, you will be a more valuable employee if you can see the big picture and analyze "the business problem" from an interdisciplinary perspective. Hamilton is not a famous computer science hothouse, right? So don't choose it just for the CS major if you think CC is otherwise a better fit and a more inspiring place to study.</p>

<p>having considered both CC (leaning towards transfering there... waiting on one more school, visited once), and hamilton (applied as a freshman and transfer, visited twice) cc was very laid back, students and faculty were very welcoming, seemed like everyone enjoyed themselves and their surroundings, and genuinely enjoyed learning. hamilton seemed a bit more uptight, focused on performing and achieving rather than an enjoyable learning enviroment, socially it seemed somewhat greek focused... less laid back than cc (i might not have gotten a view of the whole scene since i was visiting as a lacrosse recruit, and the students that were showing me around were lacrosse players, and in frats, but the other students i met seemed to reiterate this feeling), and again everyone was very nice very welcoming. both great schools, hope this helped some.</p>

<p>After hours of deliberation dropped Vassar then Hamilton and actually thought carefully about the honors program at one of the State schools in a fantastic setting. </p>

<p>The CC program is so strong, love the block plan and intimate learning experience!!</p>

<p>Glad this is over and looking forward to attending</p>

<p>Congratulations on making a clear choice for yourself and welcome to the CC community!</p>