<p>oh baby. jk,
Actually, I need you to help me come up with a speech topic. It's completely open-ended as long as it has some point. For example, people have done it on female circumcision, car accidents, the existence of spiders and why not to kill them, fountain pens, life as a short person, the economy etc.</p>
<p>I've racked my brains trying to come up with a humorous, yet non-stupid topic but to no avail. My first topic was about elves who live in my head, but it literally no point and just made me seem extremely crazy.</p>
<p>So, CCers, help me please? :)</p>
<p>Holocaust always gets people’s attention. World Wars bore me. umm, Christmas and its meaning and the joy of it!
i love Christmas</p>
<p>You could talk about how the life you are conducting could be a dream. Maybe you could use reverse psychology and incorporate the ideas of idealism. After all, nothing aside from thought itself can be proven. It’s solely about perception, so there is some validity that could be derived from that.</p>
<p>Maybe you could use examples like pain. When we hit a rock, someone may claim that that proves that an individual feels and is in existence. However, is it really? Our bodies send us a signal upon hitting the rock. Could it be that we are simply misinterpreting the signal? I personally don’t believe in the whole dream is reality theory, but it’s something that you could prove can’t be eliminated from reality, while making it humorous for the whole class.</p>
<p>^ Nevermind. Hers sounds waaay better lol</p>
<p>Haha, thanks for the ideas… the reality is a dream sounds good cos I often wonder if it is not. But I kind of want to incorporate humor into it.</p>
<p>You could. You could make up some completely random idea. Think of something that only happens in dreams and then prove that it can’t be claimed as non-existent. </p>
<p>Say something random or humorous and I’ll give in an example of what you could do. It does envolve several aspects though.</p>
<p>Actually, you could do the elves living in your head idea. After all, nothing aside from thought can be proven definitively so no one can completely eliminate the idea that there aren’t. For example, while there are facts, who formulates those facts? We as a society agree and sometimes compromise on our ideas to reach a solution or fact. We are born susceptible to society who we look towards to teach us how to cope and survive. However, where did society’s thoughts originate? Perception is involved, as we truly don’t comprehend all aspects of our world, much less outside planets and space. For all we know, while society would consider you to be crazy, perhaps it is solely society that is.</p>
<p>EDIT: Don’t feel compelled to use this though lol</p>
<p>I’m just trying to find something that you could do.</p>
<p>is this for ocad?? just wondering</p>
<p>No, it’s not for OCAD. I don’t even know what that is. o.O</p>
<p>You could just tell the story of some historical event in a dramatic way (like the Battle of Baltimore/Fort McHenry during the War of 1812).</p>
<p>Wow, I spelled involve wrong. I think that I was going to say evolve but then changed some of the words. I can’t change it though!:/</p>
<p>PLZ do one relating life to Pokemon
I’ve always wanted to a speech on it.</p>