<p>Before I started lurking/posting on CC, I think I would've been pretty content with the idea of not getting in to Yale. Though it's a fabulous school, and I'm sure there would have been a few pangs of sadness, I love the rest of the schools on my list and I look forward to those decisions as well. However, my time on CC has caused me to build up an intense paranoia, and the absolute reverence the posters on here seem to have towards Yale and terror that a potential rejection letter seems to strike in their hearts is no doubt infectious. I'm worried that any bad news on Monday may take a much greater toll on me than it should. </p>
<p>I'm not quite sure what the point of this post is, actually, hahahaha. I'm certainly not trying to blame anyone, since freaking out is fun and, in some ways, completely appropriate, but I think we should all try to put things in perspective. If we talk about rejection like it is the end of the world, that's just going to make life all the more miserable for many of us come Monday.</p>
<p>full agreement here. every time i go on cc, my heart rate goes up… it’s unhealthy.</p>
<p>skyseifera, you need to spend some time in the CC Yale archives. Every single year, there are some quite substantive examples of Yale applicants who looked like sure things and who were ultimately denied. Conversely, every year there are those who appeared to be bound for disappointment who got in. All you can do is do your best and remember one thing: In the case of Ivy and elite admissions, there is no such thing as a sure thing.</p>
<p>skyseifera - what you just described is exactly what I have been feeling. Yale was in the top of my list, but I love a couple of other schools just as equally. Now, approaching decision day (D-Day ha ha) I find myself getting nervous, freaked out, and wanting to get into Yale more than anything!!! Thank goodness I had a large school load so the week flew by… but 2 more days! I am eagerly awaiting and dreading Monday.</p>
<p>It’s like mass hysteria</p>
<p>Wow skyseifera you pretty much read my mind! I’ve been trying to forget that monday even exists but somehow i keep ending up on CC!</p>
<p>oh my gosh yes. Before I came to CC, I was sort of indifferent about the result, thinking it would be more like a “let me see” situation. But after talking to everyone here, who is really passionate about Yale, it has caught on! Now I think I shall go mad if I don’t get accepted. -.-</p>
<p>Limetime took the words/thoughts straight out of my mouth/mind.</p>
<p>And yes, I will go insane if I’m rejected.</p>
<p>I actually maintain the same perspective I had before lurking and posting on this board.</p>
<p>It’s really important to know that Yale is by no means the only school out there, no matter how in love with it you are right now as a prospective student, having done all the typical prosp. stud. things such as campus visits, overnights, sessions, etc. </p>
<p>That only gives you an idea of day to day life. You won’t truly know anything about how much you’d love there until you go there and experience it yourself.</p>
<p>The same goes for other schools you may have yet to consider. Someone was very right in saying that your college experience is what you make of it.</p>
<p>Oh definitely, me too. but it’s kind of fun to all be scared together. you know, like screaming with a bunch of friends at a scary part in a movie. </p>
<p>In reality, i will be very upset if i get deferred/rejected, but it will be ok (i’m definitely expecting deferral or rejection), and i have several other schools that i also love. but here…it seems like rejection is the end of the world. and for some reason i love the drama and so i let myself get caught up in it. it gives me adrenaline haha.</p>
<p>I feel the same way. I knew I loved Yale before, but it didn’t really hit home how much I want to go there until I started looking at/posting on these CC forums. </p>
<p>But alizarda has a point: worrying together is at least a bit enjoyable. Sure, it gets your heartbeat racing and all that, but it’s a whole let better than counting down the minutes alone.</p>
<p>Wow ditto with limetime…</p>
<p>oh my gosh it is sooo unhealthy for me to be lurking on this site all the time! i agree with you guys who say that being on here has made you more anxious…i read every one of your posts like, holding my breath…</p>
<p>My friend recommended this site to me, and I wasn’t stressed out before and now I am… um… and it’s addicting. <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>^ same here… i first got on this site last year, and now i’m addicted</p>
<p>so I can’t believe that we are within 48 hours of decision time (probably more like 44 or 45 hours or so)… it’s really a scary feeling, lol</p>
<p>^OMG, you’re so right. I’m completely freaked. It’s like looking at a ticking time bomb that you’re tied to… ugh.</p>
<p>Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration…</p>
<p>you know what the worst part about it is (for me at least)? i have exams starting on monday…</p>
<p>Sky, did you ever post at Rotten Tomatoes?</p>
<p>Yes! Same screen name. What about you?</p>