CC Student Title?

<p>Currently I am attending a CSU, but am planning to go to a CC next semester.</p>

<p>Since I would be applying to a UC during my first time semester would I be considered apping as a CC student?</p>

<p>Or would I need to have completed a certain amount of units before getting that title.</p>


<p>if you stay at a CC for the last 2 semesters before you transfer to a UC then you’re a CC transfer.</p>

<p>Most of them require you to be at a CC for a year and to have 30 units at a CC to be considered a CC student. Should you apply for Spring 2011, you would be applying as a CSU->UC transfer. And for Fall 2011, as a CC->UC transfer.</p>

What he said. AND summer semester doesn’t count as a semester.</p>

<p>Darn, so pretty much I would have to stay at a little bit longer to do a CC->UC .</p>

<p>Also isn’t it the other way around? If I app for Fall 2011 - CSU to UC.
And if I app for Spring 2011 - CC to UC.</p>

Are you a freshman at a CSU? What are you talking about staying a bit longer?</p>

<p>Yes, I am a freshman at a CSU.</p>

<p>But what I meant was that, if I applied from a CSU to UC , I would apply for Fall 2011.</p>

<p>But if I dropped out of CC to then apped to UC, I would apply for Spring 2011.</p>

<p>So if I took route 2, I would be be waiting an extra semester/quarter before going to the UC.</p>

<p>You’d apply for Fall '11 as well for a UC. Some UC’s accept spring transfers but all of them take transfers during fall.</p>

<p>You aren’t explaining yourself very clearly, sadfish. </p>

<p>If you are attending CC next semester, and applying to the UC’s to transfer there in the Fall 2011 semester, then you’ll be attending CC for Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 semesters – and will be a CC->UC.</p>

<p>If you are attending CC next semester, but applying to the UC’s to transfer there in the Spring 2011 semester, then you’ll be attending CC for Fall 2010 – and will be a CSU->UC. </p>

<p>There is no way around it. You need 30 units of your most recent coursework at a CC.</p>

<p>“If you are attending CC next semester, and applying to the UC’s to transfer there in the Fall 2011 semester, then you’ll be attending CC for Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 semesters – and will be a CC->UC.”</p>

<p>Answered my question.</p>

<p>Thanks :D</p>

<p>Also am I allowed to attend my CSU and a CC at the same time?</p>

<p>Or do I have to drop out of the CSU to be considered a CC student?</p>

<p>You need 30 units of your latest coursework, for two semesters, with each semester being a Spring or Fall semester, done at the CC. So yes, you have to drop out, unless you don’t want to transfer and report your CSU work.</p>