<p>So I just recently completed my AS at a local community college and applied to a number of CSU's and got into a handful of them. However, I made a mistake that I have been beating myself up over. I did not apply to any UC schools for Fall 2011. I am at 70+ transferrable units so I really do need to get out of this CC for Fall 2011. However, I was thinking if it would be possible for me to go to a CSU for one semester while applying to UCs for Spring 2011. Keep in mind that I am a Biology major and am highly considering a career in the medical field. I know this transfer is possible, but is it worth the effort or am i just prolonging the time it will take until I reach my bachelors for no good reason. The reason I am in such a dilemma is because it seems that mainly UC students get accepted to grad schools over CSU students. So the main question is, should I finish up my 2 years for my Bachelors at a CSU or go to a CSU for one semester and try to transfer to a UC and finish up my Bachelors there?</p>
<p>As a CSU student, you would be very low on the transfer totem pole for UCs. Also, you might run into a problem of having too many credits in combo from a CCC + 4year colleges (read the fine print, it is not very well known but absolutely disqualifies some transfer students from some UCs).</p>
<p>You are actually probably best off just staying out of school for a year or half-year and applying to the UCs. As far as I am aware, the UCs don’t care at all if you have a gap year when trying to apply for transfer.</p>
<p>Only go to the CSU if you would be content finishing up at the CSU. The UCs are mandated to take 2-year CCC students over a CSU student.</p>