CC to CSU to another CSU?

I recently transferred this Fall to CSUEB from a community college. Not going to lie, this school doesn’t challenge me at all and is often overlooked because of its sister CSU’s, SJSU and SFSU. Also they’ve very disorganized and every time I ask for a simple question I get sent to like 10 people. The major I’m in is also a joke and they’ve cancelled different programs and courses due to budget cuts and the higher ups not taking us seriously.

SJSU was initially my first choice but I refuse to commute for 45 minutes so I went with East Bay. Well at this point I would rather just do the former.

I know it’s too late for Spring applications but is this possible? Transferring to a CSU and then transferring again?

Yes it is possible. I would contact SJSU and ask since you were already accepted for Fall Admission. Maybe they may offer you a spot for Spring. You never know unless you ask. If not, then finish up at East Bay and consider taking some summer courses at SJSU prior to transferring for Fall 2019.