CC to UC transfer in One year

Hi, my uc admissions have not been going so well, and I’m considering the transfer route from CC to a UC. I have heard about people only spending one year at a CC and then transferring to a UC and being counted as a junior, even though its technically their second year in college. I did some research, and I found out that the minimum to transfer is to have 60 credits, complete the igetc for the cc, and complete and required courses for that specific major that one is applying for. I will be coming in with a lot of AP credits, and I was wondering if you could answer this question. So i will have passed the following ap exams with a 3 or better by the time i graduate high school: Calc BC, Biology, Environmental Science, Art History, Computer Science, US Government and politics, macroeconomics, statistics, human geography, psychology and english language and comp. I was looking at the cc’s ap credit page on the college board website and I calculated that I would have already accumulated 37 units. Would that mean that I would only need 23 more units to pass the minimum of transferring to a UC?

What is your major and where do you plan on transferring?

You would only need 23 more units, but you would also have to complete all of your GEs and prerequisites for your major. For example, starting next year UCD will require you to complete the intro comp sci series before entering UCD. Some of those classes may be covered by your AP credit, but you probably won’t have covered all of them. For example, transferring to comp sci means completing all of your GEs plus these classes:

If you want to complete TAG and be guaranteed admission to your choice major, you may have additional classes to take.

Talk to your community college guidance counselor and see if a fast transfer is possible for you.

Assuming your AP courses give you credit for the right classes, you can get it done but, won’t have much room for error. I also don’t think you qualify for TAG but, you may not need it. I would speak directly to your target UC - they will give you the straight scoop.

There are some students who have done it in this forum: