CC Transfer Student trying to even out chances

<p>Hello, I'm currently going to Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC) in Pennsylvania. My high school GPA was less than stellar (~2.7 on a 4.0 scale) due to never doing homework, but when applying to CC it was required that I take two math and a chemistry placement test. I passed all three: 99 on College Algebra, 97 on Precalculus, and 92 on Chemistry. They were impressed, thus I was rocketed into their Honors Program which increases the rigor of coursework.</p>

<p>I'm an african-american pre-med major and my high school SAT score, taken at the start of senior year, was 1950 (590 WR, 650 RE, 710 MAT).</p>

<p>This is what my current schedule looks like:
- General Chemistry I (CHE 111) with a lab
- Public Speaking (ENG 111) required for honors students
- Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (MAT 190)
- Introduction to Philosophy (PHI 201) required for honors students
- General English I (ENG 105)</p>

<p>That's 17 credits and my next semester will consist of 17 credits as well, including Gen Chem II, Gen Phys I, Calculus II, Eng II, and Bio I. I plan on maintaining at minimum a 3.7 GPA throughout (it's currently 4.0 after 2.5 weeks).</p>

<p>I'm currently holding a part-time 25-hour a week job at Melt, an upscale restaurant that pays upwards of $9 an hour. I'm currently volunteering time at the local St. Luke's Hospital, public library, as well as my local public high school. I expect to gain at least 150 hours of volunteering before putting in my applications.</p>

<p>Now the schools I am currently looking at are the following: Johns Hopkins University, University of Miami, Cornell University, Vanderbilt University, and Temple University. Quite the gamut. I want to flesh out that list though. What schools do you believe I should look at and why?</p>

<p>I'm planning to put all my applications in by the March 1st and 15th deadlines for most schools in order to be accepted into the Fall 2011 term. Should I retake the SAT? Should I take any SAT subject tests? Is there anything more I could do to stand out?</p>

<p>I want to transfer out of CC as soon as possible because now I realize that I shouldn't have wasted away my 4 years of high school!</p>

<p>Any help on this topic?</p>