CCC classes as a senior = added to UC GPA?

<p>I’ve taken 3 community college courses (as a hs senior). Are the grades I received added to my UC GPA (when I attend in fall '08) or are the credits merely transferred?</p>

<p>plleeaasse... anyone?</p>

<p>where do you think I might find the answer?</p>

<p>They aren't added to your GPA since you took them in your senior year. I remember asking UCD Admissions this.</p>

<p>but the credits are nonetheless transferred? meaning, I won't have to take those classes again?</p>

<p>That is a question to ask your UC. Some classes are transferrable and some are not. It depends on what you took. The CC class I took was not transferrable in the end, but it counted on my GPA.</p>

<p>so you're saying that ccc grades do factor into the UC gpa ?</p>

<p>I was just about to ask this as well because I also took 2 classes (at UCR and UCI) over the last 2 summers. Does anyone have any definitive answers? Thanks.</p>

<p>Yes, they do add to your UC GPA.</p>

<p>Would it be advisable to transfer them over? I got an A- in my Studio Art class and a B+ in my PreCalculus class. However I also will be pre-med so I don't want that B to unneedingly bring my GPA down.</p>

<p>Classes you take in CC will not be added to your GPA in college, and thus not seen by medical schools. You only receive class credit.</p>

<p>RE: saasaa</p>

<p>I'm confused because just above you said they add to your UC GPA? Also, how about UC Summer Classes, not CC classes?</p>

<p>I actually just called the UCSC admissions office (the college of which I am planning to attend) and they said that there are different GPAs. The first is the UCSC GPA which encompasses all classes taken at UCSC. The second is a GPA for classes taken at other UCS (including extension). The third is a GPA for classes taken at community colleges (pre UCSC and during UCSC). You graduate with a UCSC GPA but apply for grad school with a cumulative GPA which factors in all three.</p>

<p>Oh crap i have a question...are we suppose to report all the classes we took at community colleges on our high school transcript?</p>

<p>I took an extra Trig class that i didn't need for school but wanted to do for fun...and US history i could get a head start for APUSH....but i didn't report them to our school or the application so it wouldn't affect my gpa...i ended up just taking US history again at our school? did we have to report these? i normally get A's but both classes i got B's</p>

<p>@ Counterstrike (coming from a CA standpoint...):</p>

<p>Actually, you ARE supposed to report all the classes that you took at a community college. I did throughout my summers as a freshman, sophomore, and junior, and they -do- count, according to my counselor.</p>

<p>See, I originally wanted to take Calc @ a CC "to see how I would do". WHen I told my counselor this, she freaked out. "OMG IT COUNTS ON YOUR COLLEGE GPA!" </p>

<p>So I'm guessing that yeah, you were supposed to report them.</p>

<p>Yes sir, you had to report those grades. Write/call your colleges ASAP because that would lower your GPA and they might not be happy with your 'forgetfullness.'</p>

<p>They are also weighted. That's how the guy who is valedictorian beat me without taking more AP classes; he took CCC classes.</p>

<p>I just called UCLA about the UC Summer classes that I took over the summer. They said that yes I have to report them (and if I had them on my application but I didn't send transcript I can be rescinded), and that yes they will be part of your college GPA :(</p>

<p>By the way, how badly will this hurt me for a premed student? From the summer classes I took, 1 was an A- and the other a B+. I'm probably being paranoid, but from the difficulty of getting into med school, will the B have a great impact on me?</p>

<p>3.7 GPA and 36 on the MCAT's</p>

<p>Ok, I just emailed UCSB about this issue. </p>

<p>I took 4 classes at a CCC. German 1 and 2, Health, and German 200. German 1,2, and Health all show up on my H.S. transcript and were the normal 5 unit classes. </p>

<p>German 200 however was a one unit class and was just a class I took for fun, also it was not "approved" by my HS so it never went on my transcript (also I got a C, but that's a different issue). </p>

<p>When I reported my CC grades on the UC APP I was going off of my HS transcript (which my guidance counselor told me to do), and at the time I completely forgot about Ger-200 (I don't even believe it was a course in the drop down menu on the UC APP, they had all my other classes listed but that one) so I did not mention it. Once I saw this thread, all those memories of Ger-200 floated back (OH CRAP!), so I emailed my GC who told me not worry. But I also emailed UCSB. I'll let you guys know what they say.</p>