CCC transfer to UCLA or UC Berkeley

<p>I have a 3.7 gpa from a CCC and im going to major in polisci. Which school is beneficial when preparing for law school? Also, for those of you who have attended UCLA or UCB, can you tell me whether there are easy interaction opportunities between TAs/professors and students? Thanks :)</p>

<p>UCLA is easier to get good grades vs UCB. Law school admissions are all about numbers.</p>

<p>Every prof and TA has office hours; those are time slots reserved for students. However at a large state school it is going to be up to you to take the initiative to go; don’t expect a prof to invite you to stop by.</p>

<p>UCLA is easier to get good grades? Is it because students at UCB are really more competitive or is it that the polisci degree itself is a little harder? Oh and I heard that if you graduate from UCLA you will most likely be prepared for the public sector, but I’m more interested in the international field. Would UCB be a better choice then?</p>

<p>I currently have a 4.0 GPA at a CC while working at a medical center part time. I am also hoping to transfer to Cal / UCLA as a psychology major and then further my education with the premed requirements…</p>

<p>I was wondering if the UCs would much rather prefer a 3.6 GPA with honors or 4.0 GPA with no honors?</p>