CDA - College of Engineering Does Amateur Radical Theater

@aeromom do you have a link or contact info for students who’d like to join?

I prefer it if people PM me so I can give the CDA student’s name/contact # that way. They do not have a link to any page or anything…they have a group email that you can join, but I have to give the details via PM. Thank you - come enjoy the show and then talk with any cast member afterwards! :wink:

If you loved “Too Much Light…” …
If you love improvisational theatre…
If you want to see the funny side of accounting…
…or other ‘taxing’ issues…
If you could use a good laugh…
If you want to witness pure comedic genius…

…the Improvfessionals will be performing “2 Soon: An IMPROVtu performance”, at the Ferguson theater, Nov 9th-10th 2015 @ 7:30PM. The show runs ~60-90 minutes and tix are only $2, but free for dues-paying CDA members. Improvfessionals is made up of CDA member actors, and while CDA started in the College of Engineering years ago, it now incompasses a wide range of students across several different majors at UA.

Comedy and genius really do go hand in hand…so break a brain cell and GO!!!