Cell Phone Reception

<p>So I've done a little bit of searching and I hear that AT&T is the worst carrier to have on campus? Can anyone confirm this? I'm still in a contract but maybe someone can tell me its not as bad as they say? Honestly, I just want to be able to make calls from my dorm and use the internet on campus >.<</p>

<p>There is wireless internet everywhere and, if you get a microcell tower, you can make calls from your residence hall. When I lived on the 3rd floor of Barringer, my service was decent, but, in WAJ, its horrible. The microcell tower makes it so you don’t have to stand by the window to make calls.</p>

<p>So, does the microcell work for AT&T? When we visited the kids all basically said ATT is the worst and not to get it if you were coming to VT. But we are also still under contract, so wouldn’t be able to switch S’s service anytime soon.</p>

<p>Yes. You can buy one from ATT. It hooks up to the ethernet in your room and then it has another port you can use to still be able to get wired internet on your laptop/router. Its easy to set up as well.</p>

<p>Verizon is by far the best. Blacksburg is even a 4G LTE network for Verizon customers.</p>

<p>I hear AT&T is bad, but I don’t have any personal experience with them so I can’t really say for sure or not. </p>

<p>I have Sprint and its pretty bad. I’ve had plenty of dropped calls when I was in my dorm and there dead spots for Sprint on campus. Its manageable I guess, but it can be irritating.</p>