Cellphone service?

<p>my contract is up, which cellphone service has the strongest signal at davis?
ne1 know?</p>

<p>I've never had trouble with Verizon.
Davis is flat, so there shouldn't be any reception problems except inside buildings (for which the service won't matter much)</p>

<p>Cingular hasn't been bad</p>

<p>Cngular is really bad on campus. But outside of campus it is good :)</p>

<p>i dont suggest cingular, at least in the south bay it has HORRIBLE service (dropped calls, static on a regular basis),</p>

<p>right now i have sprint, its alrite</p>

<p>i'll probably either stay with sprint or switch to verizon</p>

<p>I have walked all over the Davis campus and haven't had any trouble with my AT&T (GMS?) and would expect Cingular to be fine as well. I have used it inside and outside of buildings all over the campus.</p>

<p>t-mobile is good also</p>