
<p>If you live in chadbourne can you not be in the learning community? im confused because i ranked chadbourne as my top choice for housing and the lottery hasn't taken place yet, but I see other kids online already claiming rooms in chadbourne as part of the learning community.</p>

<p>you had to have listed the learning community as one of your top choices, not just the dorm. i already chose mine (new32), as all learning communities were already made available for kids who selected such as their top choice(s?), but it looks like it might be too late for you to get an lc for your dorm. maybe reapply next year, because i know chadbourne doesn’t have any more slots open (that dorm goes pretty fast).</p>

<p>well i didnt really want to be in the learning community, but does this mean i wontbe able to stay in chadbourne at all, because technically its still at the top of my list?</p>

<p>Unless you choose a Learning Community, odds are very low that you will get the dorm you want. If you choose Lakeshore as your 1-5 choices, you’re likely to end up in Lakeshore. If you choose Sellery or Witte, you are likely to be in one of those two. I don’t know how they’re doing it for next year, but if enough people want the Learning Community, I think they turn away all non-Learning Community people that are interested in Chad. Only Housing would know for sure.</p>

<p>Chadbourne Residence Hall is basically synonymous with Chadbourne Learning Community. Saying that you want to live in Chadbourne, but you don’t want the learning community is like saying “I want to watch football, but I don’t want to watch football”. What is it that you think you are changing about the experience of living in Chadbourne by NOT ‘living in the Learning Community’?</p>