Chance a brotha from anotha motha?.....PLEASE ='[

<p>Please chance me </p>

<p>Here it goes...</p>

<p>First generation in America, one older brother who went to college.
Parents did not attend college, emigrated from Eritrea </p>

<p>SAT I: 560 CR, 600 M, 580 W = 1740
SAT II (dont laugh!): 580 Bio M, 610 Math I</p>


<p>Virtually all honors courses, one AP Calculus class.
Did not take test yet.</p>

100hrs Volunteer as tech assistant in a theater
30hrs Volunteer kids basketball coach
40 hrs Volunteered as Math Tutor</p>

Math tutoring club
3 other clubs that took up a lot of time that I don't want to go into</p>

Had lots of personal family issues throughout high school which worsened, but my grades have been increasing despite this.</p>

<p>Strong essay about my dad's struggle to raise my family being an inspiration to me</p>

*[1]Washington University in St Louis<a href="Film/Cinematography%201st%20choice,%20CPU%20Sci%202nd">/B</a>
[2]Dartmouth <a href="CPU%20Sci.%201st%20choice,%20Film/Cinematography%202nd">/B</a>
*[3]Carnegie Mellon<a href="CPU%20Sci.%201st%20choice,%20Film/Cinematography%202nd">/B</a>
[4]Duke <a href="CPU%20Sci.%201st%20choice,%20Film/Cinematography%202nd">/B</a>
*[5]Notre Dame <a href="CPU%20Sci.%201st%20choice,%20Film/Cinematography%202nd">/B</a>
[6]Vanderbilt <a href="Film/Cinematography%201st%20choice,%20CPU%20Sci%202nd">/B</a>
**[7]Johns Hopkins U.<a href="CPU%20Sci%201st%20choice">/B</a></p>

<p>please add comments w/your guesses if you can</p>

<p>thanks ;)</p>

<p>I would say no to all based on your scores. However, you do have good EC's and are of URM status. Good luck!</p>

<p>I would say based on your test scores</p>

<p>Washington University-St. Louis--High Reach
Dartmouth--High Reach
Carnegie Mellon--Medium
Duke--Low Reach
Notre Dame--Low Reach
Vanderbilt--High Reach
Johns Hopkins--Low Reach</p>

<p>On the college board website under admissions it tells you what the very important admissions factors are that are considered during the process of admission, for the universities you're applying to I'll write down on here the most important ones:</p>

<p>Washington University-St. Louis</p>

<p>-character/personal qualities
-class rank
-rigor of secondary school record
-test scores
-volunteer work
-work experience


<p>-character/personal qualities
-class rank
-rigor of secondary school record
-test scores

<p>Carnegie Mellon</p>

<p>-class rank
-rigor of secondary school record
-test scores


-rigor of secondary school record
-test scores

<p>Notre Dame</p>

<p>-rigor of secondary school record </p>


<p>-class rank
-rigor of secondary school record
-test scores

<p>Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>-character/personal qualities
-rigor of secondary school record

<p>That's my 2 cents. Hope that helped! Good Luck!</p>

<p>p.s. Did you apply to any safeties or backups?? I hope u did, because you never know! But then again, I'm just an applicant just like you, what would I know! lol.</p>

<p>hmm...most of those schools look like reaches. Your best bets of getting in are at Notre Dame, Wustl, and maybe cmu. </p>

<p>Bonne Chance, mon frere.</p>

<p>thanks a lot for your opinions!
much obliged :)</p>

<p>I know all of these schools are reach schools;
My mentality was 'I have only one chance so might as well try'</p>

<p>Yes I have safeties and match schools..</p>

<p>And superwoman, thanks for your post I never seen that on their site</p>

<p>I live in Penn, so CMU would be perfect if i got in..In fact would be ecstatic if I got into any one of these universities.</p>

<p>lmfaoo your thread name had me dyin`
lol just felt the need to share that with you (:</p>

<p>phew*, you had me worried lol, it would be a waste if you didn't get into any but at least you can say you tried! I applied to one school in Penn though, Bryn Mawr, I like the all-girls thing. Yea, no problem, I didn't see it either until my academic advisor at Girls Incorporated (a non-profit organization I intern at) told me about it and it helps break down what's most important to those schools. I'm glad you have safeties and matches though! :)</p>

<p>Bryn Mawr is a great school.
I heard a lot about it and was going to apply there......then I found out it was all girls.

<p>btw you may already know this, but Brn mawr, Haverford, Swarthmore and Penn are part of the Tri-College Consortium.
This means you can take courses at any one of those schools if you are accepted to any of them.. And free transportation to all of them, except Penn.</p>

<p>haha, yea, that would of been some controversy if you did..instant rejection. lol.
Yea, I heard about that I'm definetly going to take advantage especially since I want to socialize with people of the opposite sex of course lol, but I was looking into Swarthmore's Intensive German course for freshmen, I'd soo do that! I want to minor in German and major in Biology. </p>

<p>But if money, grades, test scores, or anything else were not a problem and you got into all of your schools, which one would you go to? (aka. which one you like the best)</p>

<p>p.s. I'm just wondering :)</p>

<p>I actually googled that following my post, no results. haha</p>

<p>Since I plan to major in computer science, Carnegie Mellon.
They are one of the best schools for C.s..</p>

<p>Students there have a tradition where they build 'mobots' and compete against each others robots.. how cool is that? Wouldn't you want to do that? ha, maybe not but its something I would love to do.
Its also in state.</p>

<p>The one thing I like most about top schools like CMU is their environment. If your in an atmosphere where everyone is serious about learning, chances are you will too.
Well at least that's what i believe.</p>

<p>oh, thats cool. im taking ap computer science a and i love it suprisingly, i definetly am looking to build my own robot in college, im so interested in that! Maybe i could build one that writes my papers for me lmao. But i love building things especially at my science league competitions (i know very nerdy) but i dont care what ppl think, i love science lol. </p>

<p>And yea, i believe the same thing, i feel like top schools or good schools in general just have that we'll work hard now and have fun later. idk, that would b a good environment to b in definetly, especially with all the freedom college brings.</p>

<p>Notre Dame will be a toss up for you. Just make sure you do well on your essay(s) and I think it will come down to your essay(s) for them.</p>

<p>MY school only offered computer science, not AP

<p>I think my essay was really good, but then again everyone I know swears their essay is great.</p>

<p>Oo, sorry ! But it sucks being the only female/minority in the class lol. There's 9 of them and 1 of me...I just hate that they don't ask questions! If I don't understand something I need explanation..they hate revealing to me when they're wrong! That's the only thing I hate, other then that, its like learning another language lmao.</p>

<p>And yea, I think my essays are amazing but I don't think neone else would find it as superb and creative as I do lol</p>

<p>Out of all my classes, there are only 5 African americans so I know how you feel. Lol
And good luck getting into all your schools!</p>

<p>At this point. You've already applied and have a 40 day wait, at the very most. Try not to worry about it. I'm sure you'll be happy at any of the schools you get accepted to. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks! U too : )
Ur lucky u even have five, there are only three in the entire senior class of 200 lmao..and there's no aa's in the sophmore class..its sad : (</p>

Denied to WUSTL

<p>but i got a full scholarship to a good private school around my area..

<p>ooo, im sorry. good luck with ur other schools! i got into Northeastern but I dont think im going...well see : )</p>

<p>Omg, I never tell people that they can't get into a school. I must have been cranky that day. I am sorry. Anyone has a chance to get into any school. Statistics are not everything. I hope you made yourself stand out in your essays. Good luck!</p>