GPA: 3.4/3.5 out of 4.0(strong upward trend)
SAT: 1920 680R, 540M, 700W (will retake, hopefully increase to 2000)
SAT II: Lit (projected 700)
US History
Class Rank: barely in top half due to poor freshman year and competitive school)
School Type: Public Magnet
State: Delaware
Income: <50,000
Legacy Status: Double legacy at Penn State, father attended Dickinson Law School, mother worked at Dickinson College
Awards: some small writing awards (scholastics, teen ink)
AP’s: Currently taking Lang, will take Bio, Gov, and Lit next year.
Honors Classes: Will graduate with 9
Also will graduate with at least 5 college credits from dual enrollment
EC’s: Varsity Track and Field(9-12), Concert Choir(9-12), Literary Magazine(11-12), School Newspaper Section Editor(11-12), Jazz Choir(9-10), Part Time Job at fast food(10-12), student reporter for local newspaper(11-present, may allow a junior to take over next year to be fair), taught at acting summer camp summer after tenth grade, hope to do the same 11th and 12th, Handbell Choir(9-10)
Hooks: Messy childhood, legacy status at some schools, upward trend in grades
Race: Caucasian
Dickinson EA, Penn State, UDel Honors, Marist, Villanova, Bryn Mawr, Muhlenberg, Haverford, and Rutgers New Brunswick.
Intended Major: Philosophy or English Lit(prelaw)
I know it’s early to be thinking about this, but I am a chronic worrier! Thanks for your consideration!