Chance A Junior(Villanova, Penn State, Dickinson, etc)

GPA: 3.4/3.5 out of 4.0(strong upward trend)
SAT: 1920 680R, 540M, 700W (will retake, hopefully increase to 2000)
SAT II: Lit (projected 700)
US History
Class Rank: barely in top half due to poor freshman year and competitive school)

School Type: Public Magnet
State: Delaware
Income: <50,000
Legacy Status: Double legacy at Penn State, father attended Dickinson Law School, mother worked at Dickinson College
Awards: some small writing awards (scholastics, teen ink)
AP’s: Currently taking Lang, will take Bio, Gov, and Lit next year.
Honors Classes: Will graduate with 9
Also will graduate with at least 5 college credits from dual enrollment
EC’s: Varsity Track and Field(9-12), Concert Choir(9-12), Literary Magazine(11-12), School Newspaper Section Editor(11-12), Jazz Choir(9-10), Part Time Job at fast food(10-12), student reporter for local newspaper(11-present, may allow a junior to take over next year to be fair), taught at acting summer camp summer after tenth grade, hope to do the same 11th and 12th, Handbell Choir(9-10)

Hooks: Messy childhood, legacy status at some schools, upward trend in grades
Race: Caucasian

Dickinson EA, Penn State, UDel Honors, Marist, Villanova, Bryn Mawr, Muhlenberg, Haverford, and Rutgers New Brunswick.
Intended Major: Philosophy or English Lit(prelaw)

I know it’s early to be thinking about this, but I am a chronic worrier! Thanks for your consideration!


Dickinson College is my first choice along with UD. I have demonstrated interest in both(emails, etc)

Dickinson EA is a match and your best bet for admission with FA, so fill out the “request info” form to get on their radar, fill out a visit request, email with Admissions to demonstrate interest; Penn State is an academic safety but unlikely to be affordable due to high tuition costs + lousy financial aid even in-state and zero FA for OOS; Villanova is a reach and likely to be unaffordable; Marist and Muhlenberg are good matches; Bryn Mawr is a reach, don’t apply to Haverford and apply to another women’s college (Agnes Scott, Simmons would be matches; Mount Holyoke would be a reach). Look into Goucher, Washington College MD, UMW, CNU, TCNJ, SUNY Geneseo (ONLY if you can get your SAT to 1900-2000), Ohio Wesleyan, Allegheny, Wooster, Wheaton (MA). If you like the South, look into Eckerd, Guilford, Birmingham Southern, Stetson. All these colleges are quite different, so make sure to read up on them in the Fiske Guide and to read their websie carefully.
See if you qualify for fee waivers (do you qualify for reduced lunch?)