chance a junior

number 1 HS in state
white male</p>

<p>SAT: 2400
SAT II: MATH ii: 800 Lit: 800 Spanish :750 USH: 770
gpa:3.97 uw
IB Curicculum so hardest possible courseload</p>

<p>Class president 4x
varsity lacrosse, captain 3 x
varsity soccer, captain 2 x
editor in chief, school newspaper
math team
concert choir</p>

<p>biomedical research -> published work at Columbia
Intel STS semi finalist
National Merit Semifinalist</p>

<p>coach youth soccer team, 300 community service hours
internship, columbia university</p>

<p>Slim to none.</p>

<p>you can’t know if you’re national merit semifinalist yet… that’s not until late august/early september of your senior year</p>

<p>this has to be a ■■■■■</p>


<p>The image I get is a mix between Caleb Mandrake from the skulls, and Einstein.</p>

<p>I mean come on… you minus well have said Chance the private school rich white boy from Long Island.</p>

<p>1) I think a 2400er would know how to spell curriculum correctly
2) “4x” Class prez? Wait, so your school elects class officers for the next year in the middle of the previous year?</p>

<p>DUNT FEED TEH ■■■■■</p>

<p>Haha, owned.</p>

<p>is it just me, or is a 3.97 GPA used on many ■■■■■ threads?</p>

<p>Ok my senator centaur ■■■■■ was waaaay better than this.</p>