Chance a kind-of-competitive Asian for good schools and BS/MD programs.(Chance backs)

<p>SAT I (breakdown): 2390 (2360 single sitting)</p>

<p>ACT: 35</p>

<p>SAT II: 800 Math 2, 800 Chem, 800 Bio E</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): ~4.19 (out of 4.33, yes my school is weird)</p>

<p>Weighted GPA : 4.699</p>

<p>Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 3/409</p>

<p>AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Bio (5), AP Chem (5), AP Calc BC (5), AP Psych (5), AP US History (5), AP English Lang. (5), AP Stats (5), AP Spanish (3...yeah, I was sick the day of the exam, but w/e I'm not going to send it. Just putting it out there though)</p>

<p>Senior Year Course Load: AP English Lit, AP Environmental Science, AP Economics, AP US Government, AP Physics B</p>

<p>Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): AP Scholar w/ Distinction, National Merit Semifinalist (likely, got a ~230 in OH, so I'm assuming), USA Biology Olympiad Semifinalist, 2nd place at States for Science Olympiad for Helicopters, 4th place at SciOly States for Chem lab, a crap ton of regional awards for Science Olympiad (4 or 5), Amateur Radio Extra License (highest qualification for amateur radio users available)</p>

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Two summers of internships at the Cleveland Clinic under the same mentor doing biochem research, Science Olympiad (officer), Leadership Conference Planning Committee (group of like 10 students that plans, organizes, and manages our school's annual Leadership Conference), Spanish Honor Society (Founder, President), Biology Olympiad Study Group (Founder, President), HYC (co-founded a chamber group that performs concerts at local nursing homes), Academic Challenge (Varsity), HUDDLE (Group Leader - organization that educates middle schoolers about the dangers of drugs)</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: Cleveland Clinic Research</p>

<p>Volunteer/Community service: ~400 Hours Hospital Volunteering, ~35 Hours Shadowing Physicians</p>

<p>Summer Activities: 2x Cleveland Clinic Internships, shadowing physicians</p>

<p>Essays: Decent so far, but only just finished common app haha</p>

<p>Teacher Recommendation: The one from my AP Bio teacher will likely be excellent (one of the top few students she's ever had), the one from my AP Chem teacher will be good/okay(I was a good student in the class, but not really exceptional tbh)</p>

<p>Counselor Rec: Mostly likely will be really good since she knows me really well</p>

<p>Additional Rec: Getting one from my research mentor, will probably be really good since he's considered a world-leading expert in his field and constantly commended my work over the past two years (told me I was far better than any of the undergrads he ever had, and that I blew away expectations for a high school student)</p>

<p>Interview: TBD</p>

<p>State (if domestic applicant): Ohio
Country (if international applicant):USA
School Type:Public, semi-competitve (25 National Merit Scholars for a school of ~400, which is pretty darn good for a public school if you ask me)</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Asian (Indian)
Income Bracket: 100-200k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):none lol
Other: Since I didn't really have access to any science fairs/competitions to showcase my research, I'm planning on sending an abstract of my project in the supplementary info of the common app as well as a link to a presentation I made as part of the internship that explains the research)</p>

<p>Intended Major(s) - Biochemistry, Econ (not completely sure about the Econ though)</p>

<p>Schools I'm applying to: U Penn (CAS), Stanford, Johns Hopkins, U Chicago, UNC Chapel Hill, Case Western Reserve PPSP (regular Case as a safety), Rice Baylor Medical Scholar's Program (also interested in Rice undergrad w/o BS/MD), UC Berkeley, U Michigan, University of Pittsburgh GAP Program (Regular Pitt Honors undergrad as a safety), Ohio State Honors (safety).</p>

<p>As far as I can tell, my test scores/GPA are pretty good, my extra-curriculars are OK, and I'm pretty crappy as far as awards go. I guess I'm kind of hoping that my recs will balance out the lack of awards, but I guess we'll see. </p>

<p>Is my list of schools fairly realistic for my stats? I fully expect to be rejected from Stanford (it's my super reach), but do I have a shot at Penn, JHU, U cCicago, and the various BS/MD's?</p>

<p>Anyway, thanks for your time. I'll chance back if you link me.</p>

<p>U Chicago *</p>

<p>shameless bump, it’s almost midnight and I’m bored and anxious.</p>

<p>Oh Gods of CC, please take pity on this poor boy’s request…</p>

<p>I think you definitely have a shot at JHU, your scores are VERY good. As for your other reaches, you never know. Good luck though and chance back!</p>

<p>bumppppp 10char</p>

<p>Interested to see replies on this one.</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID X2 using CC</p>

<p>one more bump. please guys. :D</p>