chance a middle eastern guy wooo lol

<p>hi, i'm considering applying to georgetown and doing pre-med i was wondering what my chances are, thanks :)</p>

<p>middle eastern immigrant (US citizen)
attend public school in NJ</p>

<p>SAT: 2200 (710 CR, 700 M, 790 W)</p>

<p>SAT II: 790 USH, 650 Chem, 570 Math 2 (both chem and math 2 are being retaken on saturday)</p>

<p>Rank: 1/190</p>

<p>GPA: 103.02 weighted</p>

<p>I've taken the most challenging coarseload available at my school</p>

<p>2 AP classes junior year...US History 5, Chemistry 3</p>

<p>I'm taking 4 more AP tests this year....Eng lang, Eng lit, Calc AB, Bio</p>


<p>Varsity Soccer
Varsity Track
community service organization at my school for 4 years
volunteering at Mount Sinai Hospital
Italian Honor Society
Rensselaer Medal Award
NJ Governor's School in Sciences nominee
Boys' State nominee
NYLF/NYLC nominee (idk if this helps....everyone gets nominated for these)</p>

<p>if i think of anything else i'll update</p>



<p>im curious, do middle-easterns count as URMs?</p>

<p>Do you have any leadership or significant awards?</p>

<p>Update: i got a 770 in SAT Chem
Math IIC will be retaken in December</p>

<p>Middle-Easterners are considered White</p>

<p>besides my nominations for summer leadership conferences, etc. not really
My school does not really give out awards and I have had no opportunity to participate in things like Science Olympiad or w/e where people get awards…I got the Rensselaer Medal Award and was the only one in my school to get it…so i guess I am lacking in that department (sigh)…hopefully my essay/recs will help me…i was just considering Georgetown as a possiblity but idk if I’ll actually apply</p>

<p>so what do you think? (assuming I get 700+ in MathII)</p>

<p>Sorry to be so blunt, but I think that unless you show some leadership your odds are slim to none.</p>

<p>DCforMe, is that true even though he’s wanting to do pre-med and not sfs?</p>

<p>well first off, I don’t know what school he’s applying to, since I know pre-med majors in the college, NHS, and SFS. You can do pre-med anywhere, and in Georgetown there are various types of science majors in each of those three schools. If he had absolutely perfect stats then there could be a chance. But a 1410 is nothing to write home about, and the SATII scores are a significant liability if they don’t improve with the retake. Georgetown is a competitive school, and part of what males applicants stand out is leadership. It’s not like they’re short of New Jersey people.</p>

<p>so SAT subject tests really make that big of a difference? One of mine is good, one is ok, and one (math 2) is really bad. Since my math 2 is really bad, will they look at my sat 1 math (and math grades in school- a’s), since that is better, or will the math 2 really affect my chances?</p>