chances for an nj middle eastern guy woo lol

<p>ok here i am, i posted before but now i have updated stats, i also want to know if i'd be likely to get good scholarships/financial aid if i get in, thanks :)</p>

<p>middle eastern immigrant (US citizen)
attend public school</p>

<p>SAT: 2200 (710 CR, 700 M, 790 W)</p>

<p>SAT II: 790 USH, 650 Chem, 570 Math 2 (both are being retaken on saturday)</p>

<p>Rank: 1/190</p>

<p>GPA: 103.02 weighted</p>

<p>I've taken the most challenging coarseload available at my school</p>

<p>2 AP classes junior year...US History 5, Chemistry 3</p>

<p>I'm taking 4 more AP tests this year....Eng lang, Eng lit, Calc AB, Bio</p>


<p>Varsity Soccer
Varsity Track
community service organization at my school for 4 years
volunteering at Mount Sinai Hospital
Italian Honor Society
Rensselaer Medal Award
NJ Governor's School in Sciences nominee
Boys' State nominee
NYLF/NYLC nominee (idk if this helps....everyone gets nominated for these)</p>

<p>if i think of anything else i'll update</p>

<p>Your Financial aid will be based more upon your need than your stats. We know nothing about your family’s income and EFC.</p>

<p>you may get merit scholarship but i havent seen anyone with more than $7000 unless they are need-based. considering the economy, it is likely merit-only scholarships will be scaled back.</p>

<p>ok, what about my chances at getting in RD?</p>



<p>what school are you applying to? the stats look decent i say. but so does everyone’s, which is the problem. ahhh admissions…</p>

<p>good chance but your SAT subject test scores are low, especially for a student ranked #1 in their class.</p>

<p>CAS, yeah i know…i retook chem and hopefully its 700+…math 2 will be retaken in december, i had a really bad precalc class and a bad chem class as well, no one did well on math 2, and everyone got 1’s on ap chem except for me and 2 other kids</p>