<p>ok here i am, i posted before but now i have updated stats, i also want to know if i'd be likely to get good scholarships/financial aid if i get in, thanks :)</p>
<p>middle eastern immigrant (US citizen)
attend public school</p>
<p>SAT: 2200 (710 CR, 700 M, 790 W)</p>
<p>SAT II: 790 USH, 650 Chem, 570 Math 2 (both are being retaken on saturday)</p>
<p>Rank: 1/190</p>
<p>GPA: 103.02 weighted</p>
<p>I've taken the most challenging coarseload available at my school</p>
<p>2 AP classes junior year...US History 5, Chemistry 3</p>
<p>I'm taking 4 more AP tests this year....Eng lang, Eng lit, Calc AB, Bio</p>
<p>Varsity Soccer
Varsity Track
community service organization at my school for 4 years
volunteering at Mount Sinai Hospital
Italian Honor Society
Rensselaer Medal Award
NJ Governor's School in Sciences nominee
Boys' State nominee
NYLF/NYLC nominee (idk if this helps....everyone gets nominated for these)</p>
<p>if i think of anything else i'll update</p>