chance a prospective junior?

<p>Hey, sorry to infiltrate this thread but I'm a junior hoping to apply next year RD. Here are my stats so far, and predicted stats for next year:</p>

<p>SAT I: 2380 (800M, 800 W 12 essay, 780 V)
SAT IIs: So far I have 800Math2, 800Bio-E. Probably will send in a 3rd 800.
GPA: 4.57/4.64 (estimated top 5-10% for THIS gpa, but we don't rank so it's only a guess)
***GPA is only calculated for junior/senior years. If you were to include my entire transcript by 4.0 A 3.0 B, I'd have a 3.8 unweighted. My sophomore year grades are low (B, B+, B+, A-, A in academic classes) because I just moved and had to adjust. Counselor or teacher will write about this for sure)</p>

<p>School: Very tough, competitive private school. (I moved from a crappy huge public so it was a hard transition)</p>

<p>Recs: 1 Outstanding (top 5% to "one of the best"), 1 Excellent (top 10%-top 5%)
Counselor Rec: I don't think Columbia requires one, but it'd be outstanding.</p>

<p>ECs with Predicted positions:
Art (9-12) 2-3 International awards, 1 national award. sending in a very strong portfolio and supplemental rec from art teacher.
Varsity Swim (9-12) Captain, state qualifier x6. Not being recruited
Yearbook (10-12) Editor-in-Chief
World Charity Club (11-12) Pres
Another Charity Club (11-12) Founder, co-pres.
Culture Club (10-12) Pres.
Volunteer (10-11) 50 hours
And a few other membership in other clubs...</p>

<p>So any thoughts on my Columbia chances? (PS I'm also considering Yale & Princeton if you would be so kind to comment on those chances too. thanks!!)</p>

<p>columbia does require a counselor rec. (secondary school report)</p>

<p>pretty good chances though. but with a <10% acceptance rate (you’re gonna hear this alot) it’s pretty much a crapshoot. seems like you’ve done a great deal, the best you can, so go for it. it’s definitely way better than me and a lot of other students. but then again the admissions people are a mysterious bunch when it comes to picking certain students over others…</p>

<p>You’ve got pretty strong stats, it seems. I think you’ve got good chances. Post on the Y & P boards to see what they think, I’m not sure a lot of people can say how your chances are at those schools with much authority :)</p>

<p>(not that we’ve got that much authority on here…but ya know…)</p>

<p>Having just been admitted in December, and looking at the range of people also admitted, I’d say you’re strong. But I think that vital things for you to exemplify in your application is more than your Stats and Ecs - your individuality, your commitment to diversity and your compatability with others. Make sure your recs are strong and that the teachers can comment on your capabilities in fields other than academics - this will separate you from the crowd of 2380’s (and there are a LOT of those applying).</p>

<p>ya never know. NOBODY is a shoo in, no matter how good their stats are.</p>