Chance a transfer pleasee!

<p>Currently I’m a freshman at PC but i actually can’t stand it. PC is full of the same person and as a minority I really do not feel like i fit in. I can’t tell you how many times someone has asked me what something means in Spanish (I can’t even speak Spanish) or if the Mexican food in our dining hall is good. Its things like this that make me very uncomfortable.
I admit that I did not look at PC enough before applying, i was just told that it would be a good idea and then when I was accepted I received a hefty scholarship (full tuition with academic competitive grants, etc.) but this was heaven sent as my family couldn’t afford to send me to school otherwise. Had I known there is only 10% minority, I would have reconsidered. The religiousness of the school is a big problem for me to.
And you may ask, why Brown? Brown is my dream school, it has everything that i have been looking for, an incredible international relations program, no religious affiliation, academic freedom, the ability to still volunteer at the international institute of rhode island, to still be able to cheerlead, to be feel comfortable with my surroundings, accepting people, 35% diversity, challenging academics, amazing opportunities, i could go on forever.
But now onto my credentials…
I graduated hs with a 3.7 GPA
currently i have a 3.3 GPA
My SAT’s were not needed for PC, so I’m not sure what they are.
President of most of my high school clubs (Kiwanis international, STAND, national honors society, Gay Straight Alliance, Mock Trial etc)
i am very big into human rights activism and genocide education. I assisted in creating a bill for mandatory genocide education in all MA public schools and subsequently spoke at the state house on its behalf; it is currently in ways and means.
I have been the outreach coordinator for northeast public schools in MA teach against genocide campaign.
While president of my STAND(student led anti-genocide coalition) chapter we raised over 5000 dollars for our sister school in Chad
I have also been a special Olympics swim coach for two years, part of our cape and islands youth congress for two years
youth chair for cape cod rocks the vote, and various other local human rights groups.
I was also a three sport varsity athlete (field hockey, track, cheerleading)
In college i am part of amnesty international, multicultural student association, i volunteer at the international institute of Rhode island working with refugee families and I work with the United States Committee for refugees and immigrants and I am a varsity cheerleader.
I have also brought a genocide survivor from south Sudan to speak to the college and surrounding high schools to spread awareness. </p>

<p>So basically, what are my chances of successfully getting into Brown as a transfer? I know there are a lot of variables when it comes to transferring but i am so passionate about the school and everything it has to offer.
All of your advice and assistance would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>aim me at NapoleonInRaggs, I might have some advice :)</p>