Chance a worried senior with a low GPA

<p>Residency status: In-State
Ethnicity: Asian. Vietnamese to be more specific
Sex: Male</p>

<p>Plan on applying to: UCSD, UCD, UCSB, UCI, UCSC</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.64 - ugh, I know it’s super low. I totally regret not trying harder in sophomore year. But my HS GPA does have an upward trend (2.8 freshman year, 3.5 sophomore year, 3.75 junior year, and it’s too early to determine senior year grades but I would have a 4.0 or 4.1 if the semester ended today).
APs - Total of 4 APs and 1 honors class in high school (had zero in freshman year)
SAT: CR - 700
M - 690
W - 700
= 2090
SAT II (ugh) - Math II - 640<br>
US History - 650 </p>

<p>Extracurriculars: Nothing that special:</p>

<li>About fifty hours volunteering with American Cancer Society</li>
<li>Pretty good at playing the guitar </li>
<li>Club Officer of Spanish Club</li>
<li>Member of Interact Club</li>
<li>Member of API</li>
<li>Church school? I don’t think this counts though.</li>

<p>Other important factors:</p>

<li>First generation college student</li>
<li>I don’t know what constitutes low income, but my mom has been unemployed for the past two years and my family income (four house members) is about $55,000</li>

<p>Your SAT scores are really good. However, I think most UCs weight SAT’s less heavily than GPA. I know for a fact that UCSD does because that’s what shot me down as an applicant last year. UCSD goes strictly by points and will not consider your personal statements…being first generation and low income will help. However, judging by your GPA, SATII’s, volunteer hours, and standard EC’s, I would not count on getting in SD. Its probably a high reach. </p>

<p>I can’t tell you anything about UCSC because I didn’t apply there. However, I had friends who had a lower SAT than you and about the same GPA. They got into UCSC. I would say this a close match for you. </p>

<p>UCD, UCSB, UCI are harder to get in. UCD has a similar system to UCSD. They’re all really good schools. Of these, I think you will probably have a shot at UCI. UCI takes a more holistic approach to admissions. Its hard to predict. I got into UCI and was waitlisted at SB and D. However, some people with higher stats than me got rejected from UCI and people with lower stats than me got int SB and D. Its pretty random. </p>

<p>Overall, you have some good stuff going on - decent SAT scores, sufficient EC’s…and you’re first generation/low income (maybe). Your weaknesses include a lower GPA, and not that many AP classes. Just apply and hope for the best. =) Do apply for some safety schools though…unless you’re ok with ending up at community college (which is not a bad thing).</p>

<p>yeah, I know UCSD is a long shot. I just wanted to apply and take a chance even though my GPA sucks. Not to sound cocky or anything, but I don’t think I’ll have much of a problem getting into UCSC. It’s not really my ideal college but it’d be an ok backup if I got rejected from the higher UCs.</p>

<p>BTW, what were your stats and what school are you attending now, if you don’t mind me asking.</p>

<p>I’m at UCI. My UC GPA was a 3.9 and my SAT was a 1950. My SAT II’s were in the higher 600’s. A few ECs. No leadership positions. No sports. <120 community service hours. Only took 6 AP/H classes in HS (only 2 in Soph./Jr year). Not first generation. Asian. Low income. </p>

<p>Applied to all UCs except UCSC. Also applied to CalPoly Pomona, CSU Long Beach, and CSU Fullerton.
Got into the CSUs, UCR and UCI. Rejected at all but UCD and UCSB. Was waitlisted at UCD and UCSB.</p>

<p>In hindsight, I should have not applied to UCD and UCSB only because I would never consider going to those schools. For me, they were a bit too far away. The application cost is a lot.</p>

<p>thanks for replying</p>

<p>anybody else care to chance my poor soul?</p>