Chance an econ student!

<p>Gender: F
Ethnicity: Indian
College Class Year: 2013
High School: Public
High School Type: sends some grads to top schools (around 10 per year)
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.90
GPA - Weighted: not sure yet, will know once Junior Year classes are weighted
Class Rank: top 5%
Class Size: 315</p>

<p>Junior Year Courses-
AP BC Calc- 4
AP Physics C- 3
AP English Language- 5 </p>

<p>Senior Year-
AP English Lit
AP Stat
AP Bio
Will self study AP Macro</p>


<p>SAT I Math: 730
SAT I Critical Reading: 760
SAT I Writing: 710
SAT II U.S. History: 610
SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 700
Will take SAT II Lit in Oct.</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: Junior State of America (four years)
Student Government (Four Years)
NHS (three years- max amount of time allowed)
Science Research- Working with mentor in California
Model UN
Interfaith Youth Corp.
Played Flute for the last 10 years, involved in schools wind ensemble </p>

<p>Leadership positions:
Vice President in JSA, was Director of Activism for the past 2 years
Secretary in 9th and 10th grade, became Vice President in 11th , and will be VP for 12th
VP for Class of 2009, was VP last year, and Secretary for two years before that</p>

<p>Athletic Status - list sport and your level: Varsity Track (Indoor/ outdoor) - 7th to 10th grade
Volunteer/Service Work: Part of a interfaith youth organization to bring the community together
Honors and Awards: District Award for Jewelry (haha)
going to get AP Scholar with Honor
College Summer programs: NYU Summer Research Program</p>

<p>I currently want to major in Economics, but I do like Finance a lot...</p>

<p>Looking at-
NYU- Stern
UPenn (reach!)
BU (Safety, will try to get into honors)
Anywhere else?</p>

<p>Please Chance me at these! Thanks!</p>

<p>I think that considering test-grades, you are kind of on the low range for the top schools. I am talking the SATs and APs. but they're not terrible by any means! you've got a healthy handful of extracurriculars too.</p>

<p>I think it would be possible for you to not be accepted to most schools on that list. however, it is also possible that you would get into the majority. it's difficult to say. of course what I say doesn't dictate anything...but you know what I mean...</p>

<p>if you have any other schools that could be safeties that you really liked, you should definitely apply there in addition to what you have. economics is an awesome subject and I'm sure it would be well-taught at most places. I did not visit or research a lot of schools so I can't make excellent recommendations on that, though.</p>

<p>so I hope this post does not sound negative, because you seem to be a good student! good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks, yeah I'm definitely going to apply to more safety schools (like Babson, SUNY Bing and others). I just wanted to know how my chances at my main reach schools listed above. Thanks though, haha I know it's a huge crap shoot. Anyone else want to chance me?</p>

<p>bumpidy bump?</p>

<p>sorry to bump this up (yeah i know everyone hates it) but what are my chances if I apply ED to UPenn?</p>

<p>bumpp... oh yeah forgot to mention that I'll definitely be published once. Also, I will have excellent recommendations from my english and science research teachers.</p>