Chance an international student (junior)

<p>I'm an international student who goes to one of the international schools outside of states
Currently a junior, but I started to get a little worried about college...
Reading all the marvelous achievements that all the fellow CC members do,
especially fellow international students I felt very inferior and unprepared
so... I decided to ask for you guys' words.</p>

<p>GPA (we do percentile)
9th: 93.9
10th: 94.5
11th: (1st semester only) 94</p>

<p>courses (this year)
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Psycholoy
Pre Cal
Advanced Band

<p>Extracurricular Activities (assuming my next year activity, too)
Varsity Soccer (4 years) - possibly cocaptain
Varsity Volleyball (2 years)
Community Service Committee (3 years) - Vice president this year, probably an advisor or pres next year
UNICEF (2 years)
NHS (2 years) - Vice president this year
Jazz Band (3 years)
Orchestra (1 year)
Physics Club (2 years)</p>

SAT Reasoning Test- I didn't take it yet, but from the practice tests I've taken, my scores suck. I barely get 2100 when lucky.
Chem 800
IIC Math 800
Planning to take physics or bio this coming may</p>

<p>Outside School activities:
Comm Service:
-Teaching handicapped students (with hearing problems) how to play instruments
-Organizing birthday parties for ppl who live alone

<p>My essential, dreamy, most wishing university to attend is Stanford.
Others include: the UC schools, NYU, Northwestern, CMU, and UNC
I've attended stanford EPGY summer course once. That's it.
As you can see, I have no special awards to elaborate
Do I even have hope here?</p>

<p>and I'm not sure if this would make a difference, but I do have legacy</p>

<p>At a glance, your GPA and EC's are oustanding (in my point of view, at least). I just want to say that because I'm an international student (a senior) just like you. Now, it seems you are applying to schools where they give you barely any financial aid (for international students, that is).</p>

<p>Yes, there is some hope for you, from what I can see. Notice that international students make up around 5~10% of the student population, so the admissions margin for international students will be quite different from the US students admissions. I hope you understood that.</p>

<p>For me, I have not taken SAT II's yet. I got a 1920 on my SAT I (very horrible curve).</p>

<p>Now, enough about me. How big is your school? Class? What is your class rank? What are your AP scores?</p>

<p>In my opinion, I think you are that slightly-below-average for those prestigious universities. You need that special <em>hook</em> for the admissions team to take another look at you.</p>

<p>Edit: And what do you mean by legacy?</p>

<p>Thank you for the reply
Our class size is about 90, I'm not sure about my class rank (around top 20%)
I did not take any AP exams yet (take them on may 2008)
and legacy as in one of my parents is graduate of stanford, and one sibling an undergraduate</p>

<p>You look like you have a lot going for you. I think that if your scores are around your practice scores you would have excellent chances at NYU and maybe some of the others. I would also look at Boston University, Michigan, Case Western and George Washington.</p>