Chance at me for a few schools?

Gender: Male
Race: White
Not in need of financial aid

ACT: 36 (only took it once)
SAT II: US History - 700, Math 2 - 790, Chemistry, 780
Unweighted GPA: 3.95
Weighted GPA: 4.45 (Not sure how so many kids have 4.7-4.9s, think my school does GPA differently as with a 4.45 I’m in the top 5% of my class easily)

AP Tests: AP US - 5, AP Chem - 5, AP AB Calc - 5, AP Comp Sci - 5

Senior Year Courses:
AP Gov Pol, AP BC, AP English, Algorithms (Comp Sci class above AP Comp Sci), AP Physics 1, AP French

Except for maybe 2 times I’ve taken all of the hardest classes and have never gotten anything lower than an A-.


Umped baseball for 7 years
Have run a few lucrative online businesses in video games/bitcoin
Tutored for the past 3 years
3 Years in a Acceptance/Anti Drug organization in my town
On the student board and board of the organization as a student rep.
On Anti Alcohol/Drug Alliance board as a student rep.
Spent a week for two summers in South Philly helping out at a daycare
Did a few other community service groups
Did cross country/track for 2 years
Member of Choir/Chamber Choir for 4 years
President of A capella group (member for 3 years)
I’ve taken a few online course, taught myself Java, and took a theoretical comp sci class at Princeton University

and some other things that I thought weren’t worth mentioning

Plan to major in comp sci, math, chem, or something similar. Nothing set yet.

Have two solid recommendations, essays are decent, going to be reviewed by a few English tutors to make them even better.

Two brothers attended Yale undergrad
Mom also attended Yale grad.
Both parents worked for Yale, my mom as an assistant professor of Surgery, though both currently do not.

Plan on EDing at Yale as it’s my top choice, also if that doesn’t work out will be applying regular to Princeton, Duke, Georgetown and then a few safeties.

What will make you stand out in an applicant pool?

That’s a hard question. Idk I feel like the combination of pretty solid academics along with a solid amount of community service + a variety of dedicated ECs and then the legacy would make me stand out. I feel like I’m near qualified just like probably 5000 kids who are close to being chosen for Yale, but then the legacy might make me stand out compared to them

I have a suspicion that given your legacy relationships in addition to your awesome academic profile, you have a very good shot (though no guarantee) at least with Yale. You’re near/on par with your other choice schools, so it’ll depend on your essays.

Your academic classes are rigorous, your scores are great (nice job on the first try 36!), and your ECs are quite unique. I think of the list, the daycare seems to be the only padding extracurricular that doesn’t really do anything to make you stand out, so I’d honestly leave it out. Best of luck in applying!