Chance at UC's

I’m currently a high school senior at a Public school in North California who is about to start adding more applications,
and I would appreciate feedback in order to temper my expectations…

Schools applied so far

Schools: Berkeley, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Riverside, Davis
CSU Poly and SJSU

Intented major: I want to major in Biology

UW GPA - 3.84
NO AP/Honours

ACT scores -
Composite Score: 24

English 25

Mathematics 24

Reading 20

Science 25
Writing 06

English Language Arts (ELA) 20

Science, Technology, Engineering, And Mathematics (STEM) 25

My extracurricular are pretty mediocre, 1 yr ROTC,1 yr community service, 1 yr Lead clubs

So there it is. Any feedback or advise is much appreciated. Are there any other schools in CA/GA/TX/(privates) that I could be looking at?

Your GPA and ACTs are low for the UC’s. Biology is impacted at all of the schools you have listed and your scores don’t make you competitive for that major. If you want to attend those schools, you could attend the CC’s and transfer.

Can you afford the privates?

You have no Honors or AP’s by choice or not offered by HS?

ACT is below 25th percentile for most of the UC’s and SLO:

25th - 75th percentiles for ACT:
UCB: 30-34
UCLA: 30-34
UCSD: 29-34
UCSB: 28-33
UCD: 26-32
UCI: 26-32
UCSC: 26-31
UCR: 23-30
UCM: 20-27

Your GPA looks within range for UCR/UCSC/UCM but since Biology is a competitive admit and impacted at many of the UC’s, your target schools will be these three.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%- Reach
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%- Low Reach
UCD: 58%- Low Reach
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%- Match to High Match
UCR: 94%- Match
UCM: 96%

SJSU will probably be a Match school.

SLO looks like a Reach (Average CP GPA is 4.09 and ACT of 30) along with around a 13% acceptance rate. I would add a few more Cal States to your list, like Cal Poly Pomona, Sac State, SF State, Chico State.

Apply widely and best of luck.

without you UCGPA i’d just be guessing.

I have UC GPA of 3.84.Please advise and thanks for the replies so far. Any other OOO colleges where less tuition is also welcome.

For Target schools: UC Merced/Riverside and Santa Cruz.
For Reach schools: UC Santa Barbara/Irvine and Davis
For High Reach schools: UC San Diego/UCLA and Berkeley

Also some good Target schools would be CSU Fullerton, Long Beach, Cal Poly Pomona, San Diego State.

Privates: University of Redlands, St. Mary’s College, Whittier College

What is your college budget? Your stats will garner little to no merit aid at most private schools in California. I would run the Net Price calculators on any schools of interest to get cost estimates.

UCSC has gotten quite competitive and your stats are close to the 25th percentile so, I;d put them in the 50/50 category - a strong application could make all the difference.
UCR and UCM are likely to admit you.

Any of the CSUs but CPSLO would be happy to have you. If you are looking for the residential, 4 year experience, Sonoma, Chico and Humboldt are worth a look. Since you want to study Bio, i’d add an application to SDSU, CPP and Long Beach.

OOS, any of the WUE schools could be a good option. Again, given your STEM focus Oregon Institute of Tech is worth a look. Boise and Reno admit tons of CA kids.

Thanks for the replies.My budget is around 10,000 per Annum. I will qualify for calgrant