Chance for 24k Scholarship

<p>I applied for EA, but the only way I can afford to go to UM is if I get a 24K Scholarship. I have 4.85 weighted GPA, 3.9 unweighted. 1380 SAT, and have pretty good EC, as I am in NHS, DECA, and also coach local sports teams. What are the odds i get the 24K Scholarship as I really want to go to UM.</p>


<p>I’m sorry to say that, in my opinion, you will be unlikely to qualify for the 24k merit scholarship. Depending on your family’s financial situation, you may be in line for some need-based aid. Plus there are outside scholarships, work study and if all else fails, loans. </p>

<p>You might also benefit from looking thru a book like: “The College Solution: A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the Right Price by Lynn O’shaunghnessy (2008, Paperback): A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the Right Price” - you’re library probably has a copy.</p>

<p>Wish you the best!

<p>Unfortunately I agree with Zinc, I think your SAT score is too low.</p>

<p>I think jcmbball9 meaned sat(cr+ma) scores.</p>

<p>Correct - 1380 out of 1600 is too low for the 24k scholarship.</p>

<p>Don’t give up hope! Last year my son (no legacy, no URM, no other hooks) was awarded the $24k university scholarship, and his CR+M was only 1360. They will look at the entire application, not just the objective scores and GPA. He ended up attending elsewhere, but Miami was a really close second. There was also a $20k scholarship last year that I assume is still available this year.</p>

<p>Yes, I agree with the poster above to not give up hope! Last year, my friend’s daughter received the 24,000 scholarship with a 1300 even. She had fantastic grades from a top HS and super recs. I believe that they look at the whole package and also from where the student is from. She was from Broward county and I know that they like getting Florida kids from across the state. Good luck!!</p>

<p>I hope the above 2 posters are correct! I don’t recall a lot of folks reporting results in the “Class of 2015” thread who had received the University scholarship with SAT scores in the 1300’s. You’ll find out in a week or so.</p>

<p>What’s your class ranking as a percentage? That’s a crucial part of it all too, not just your GPA</p>

<p>I am in the top 10 percent in my class not sure of exact percentage</p>

<p>Expect at least the 16K, maybe even the 20K then. If you’re in the top 10%, you should be fine for either one</p>

<p>Definitely would need the 20k to even consider attending. Hopefully I can get that at the worst</p>

<p>Are these scholarships offered at the same time EA acceptance decisions go out?</p>

<p>You’ll find out about scholarships in the snail mail package that arrives a few days after the EA notifications are posted in the myUM email. We thought the wait for the decision was nail-biting, those 3 days waiting for USPS to deliver the acceptance package was torture!
I don’t know why UM does it this way, they could easily include the scholarship information within the email.